Mutual Feelings, Dating Scandals and a Possible Happily Ever After - Sunmi II

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And here's part II. Well, this chapter is where most of the actual romance actually happens, so I hope I fulfilled your romantic fantasies with Sunmi. Especially on this chapter :)

Hope you guys like it :)


It's been five months since your first date with Sunmi and luckily, she kept her promise of taking you out in occasional dates, here and there. Due to such dates, you and Sunmi became pretty close, with you basically becoming her best male friend.

It was seven p.m. and at the moment, you were behind the balcony of the convenience store you work at, watching the non-existing movement in the store, when suddenly, you cellphone buzzes. You then get it out from your pocket and once you look at the screen, you see that it's a call from Sunmi, which gladly pick it up, saying:

– Hey, noona. What's up?

Sunmi: Hi, Y/n. I know you're working now, but could you clock earlier and come have dinner at my place?

– Well, that's sudden. I'll check with my boss and then call you back, okay?

Sunmi: Sure thing. I'll be waiting.

After Sunmi's last sentence, you hang up and go after your boss, and as you find him, you start to explain the situation. After you're finished, he says that it's okay. Once you get the boss' approval, you take out your phone and call Sunmi. After a few seconds, she picks up, asking:

– So?

– I'm free.

Sunmi: Great. Can you get here about eight o'clock?

– Yeah, sure.

Sunmi: Okay. See you later, Y/n.

– See you later, noona.

Your POV:

As we hang up on each other, I leave thecounter, heading to the employees room to change. Once I'm finished, I warn theboss that I'm leaving and he just gives one last 'okay'. With everything set, Ihead to Sunmi's place.

After about half an hour, I arrive at her house, paying the Uber driver as I leave the car. I then walk to the front door, ringing the doorbell, right after. Instants later, the door is opened by Sunmi, who's got the brightest smile I've seen on her, since we started hanging out together.

Sunmi: Hey, Y/n.

– Hi, noona.

Sunmi: You arrived just in time. Come in.

(A/N: What she's wearing:)

(A/N: What she's wearing:)

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