Fated Victories - JiU

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So, I'm reposting this story, cuz I literally wrote it just because Dreamcatcher got their first win and I chose JiU, cuz who better than the group's leader, JiU noona to have a story about this even, am I right?
Anyway, I'm reposting it, cuz when I wrote it back then, I didn't really put 'myself' in the story, let's say, so here it is, now. Rewritten with a bit more of "yourself".

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it :)


It was six thirty in the afternoon, when you were at the coffee shop you work at. Since it was your break, you grab your phone and start looking through the social media, starting with Facebook. After a few scrolls, you see that one of the Dreamcatcher fan pages posted a video of the group getting their first win. Excited due to such news, you end up shouting:

– No fucking way!

You quickly look around and to the customers in front, while getting embarrassed for being too loud. After you calm yourself down, you start packing your stuff and as you were into it, you hear the voice of your colleague and friend, Jackson (GOT7) that asked:

– Let me guess. You're leaving, right? I mean, I saw the posts.

– Hey, Jackson. And well, we both know it's a big deal, so yeah, I am. If it's not too much to ask, can you cover me?

Jackson: Sure. I mean it's already six p.m. I doubt this place will get crowded, till it closes.

– We're on the same boat. Thanks, man.

Jackson: No problemo.

Your POV:

I then proceed to pack my things and once I finish doing so, I leave the building, while grabbing my cellphone to call for an Uber. Minutes later, when the car arrives, I tell the driver to take me to a flower store that's the close to Dreamcatcher's dorm building. As we arrive at the asked place, I leave the car and head into the store, leaving minutes later with a bouquet of lilies.

Once I get the flowers, I walk my way to the girl's dorm. I wait for about half an hour, until their van arrives. As the vehicle stops and opens its door, the prettiest girls I know, start coming out of it. One by one, they get off the van, until I finally see the most beautiful girl I've ever landed my eyes on getting off. Once they were all out of the vehicle, the girls start approaching the entrance, where I was standing in front of, with SuA noona saying:

– Y/n! What a surprise to see you, at this hour!

– I came, because of the big news. Congrats on the first win. You girls deserved it. I mean, fucking finally.

Siyeon: Don't even tell me about it! I still can't believe it actually happened!

Handong: Neither can I. Now, I finally can give my Chinese speech that I prepared four years ago.

– Looking forward to listen to it, but you'll need it to translate it for me, later.

Handong (chuckling): Jiǎ de (dummy in Chinese).

Minji: So, are you done talking to the kids, so you can finally give me some attention?

– Hey, you.

And there she was, Kim Minji, Dreamcatcher's leader, lead vocalist and dancer, and also visual of the group. No wonder why. Like I said before, she's definitely the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, for sure. Plus, she was placed first at TCCandler, well deserved, by the way.

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