His Car Isn't Yours - Wendy

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Was in a Wendy mood because of her comeback and this came out 💙💙💙

Like always, I hope you guys enjoy it :)


It was around nine p.m. and after a whole twelve long and monotonous hours of work, another day finally comes to an end, with you leaving the convenience store you work at. Due to having been a stressful and tiring day, all you wanted was to get home and drown yourself on your bed and covers.

If it was a couple of months ago, you'd be heading straight to Red Velvet's dorm to be with your beloved, now former girlfriend, Seungwan, or Wendy as she was popularly known, showering yourself with her love.

The two of you used to have a very nice relationship, with very few arguments, but it all changed when Wendy started to working on her solo comeback.

With your hours not aligning anymore and despite understanding that Seungwan was only working on her career, you started to feel left aside, which ignited the beginning of constant and very foolish arguments. And as expected, a while later after this constant arguing started to happen, the two of you broke up.

And to worsen your side of the situation, about a month later after your break up, a dating news of Wendy and some idol sparked, leaving you in an even more miserable state.

Now, with no girlfriend and zero excitement over your life, all you did was work as much as you could to push the thoughts of your past relationship aside.

With all said, after a twenty minute walk, you finally arrive at your apartment, with yourself heading straight to the kitchen and once in the room, you quickly heat up some leftovers you had and once ready, you sit at the table, starting to eat it.

After finishing the meal, you leave the dishes in the sink and head to the living room, lying down on the couch, while turning on the TV.

For some reason, the universe seemed to be conspiring against you, because as soon as you turn on the TV, you see that yours and Wendy's favorite romance movie was on screen.

After a few minutes blankly staring at the screen, you start to remember about your past relationship with Wendy.

One Year Ago...

It was a sunny Friday and the clock just strikes twelve and with that, the lunch break arrives for the workers around the neighborhood.

At the moment, you were at the convenience store you work at, fumbling your cellphone as you heard the customers coming in and out, due to the rush hour. Yet as you heard the bell ring once more, you also start to hear whispering and indistinct chatter from the small crowd of customers.

As you turn up from your phone, you paralyze at the figure before your eyes. You can't believe at the sight in front of you, or better, who was in front of you.

You're then brought back to reality when the customer finally speaks:

– Hello.

– Hel- Hello, hi... Yo- You'r- You're Wendy! From Red Velvet!

Wendy: Yeah, it's me. Let me ask you something, where are the packed meals?

– Oh, uh... Sorry. The packed meals are at the third aisle.

Wendy (chuckling): Thanks.

She then goes to the indicated aisle gets the item she was after, heading back to the cashier.

You then scan the product, with Wendy paying you, right after.

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