The Girl from Gyashi - JinSoul

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So, this is my first attempt of a fantasy story and it's slightly based on the Ultraman franchise and a bit on Loonaverse's JinSoul .

Anyway, like always, I hope you guys enjoy it :)


After a tiring week of work, Sunday finally arrived and you already had plans, going to the aquarium. As unusual as it sounds, it was something you've been wanting to do for a while now and not wanting to do such activity alone, you decided to call your friends Kim Jungeun and Choi Yerim to tag along.

With all said, at the moment, you were prepping yourself, as you hear the doorbell ring and once you got the few necessities needed, like your wallet, you head to the front door, opening it, revealing Jungeun and Yerim, with the younger girl happily exclaiming:

– Hi, oppa!

– Hey, Yerim, Lippie.

Jungeun: Sup, buddy? So, you ready to go to the aquarium, even tho it's the most random place you could've come up for us to hang out at.

– C'mon, Lippie. I just wanted to go somewhere different, plus I haven't been to an aquarium since I was a kid, so I thought 'why not?'

Jungeun: You're such a weirdo.

– Yet we still hang out.

Yerim: Enough talking, you two! Just like Y/n oppa, I also haven't been to an aquarium since I was a kid, so let's go, already!

And with Yerim's sentence, both you and Jungeun agree, with the three of you walking towards the Kim's car.

Your POV:

We then get in the car, with Jungeun starting the engine and driving us to the aquarium, arriving at it, about fifty minutes later. After parking, we get out of the vehicle, quickly entering the underwater museum.

As we stepped into the aquarium, we were greeted by a massive tank with tons of colorful fishes and mesmerizing coral reefs that kinda reminds me of 'Finding Nemo'. And speaking of Nemo, as I was looking after the same fish species from the movie, Jungeun calls for me, asking:

– Hey, Y/n. You like sharks, right?

And as I turn to her, I can't help, but gasp with my eyes landing at the tank with such sharks, as I get close to the gigantic glass container.

– Holy crap! Man, I wish I could raise a shark.

Jungeun (chuckling): Yeah, I should've expected you saying something like that.

Yerim: I still don't understand your fascination over sharks.

– They are majestic creatures, with incredible hunting skills, but unfortunately, they are commonly mistaken as violent, due to the attacks, but these attacks are all on the humans' fault, since we're the ones who somehow provoke them.

Jungeun: There's also the whole thing about humans killing sharks at least a hundred more times, than the sharks killing humans.

– Exactly. Plus, anything that's shark motif on the general media looks sweet as hell. Anyway, I hope someday they can return to their homes.

We then watch these majestic creatures for a little longer, until we move on to the other tanks. As we get to the next exhibition, I notice how Jungeun was particularly fascinated by the jellyfishes, so I ask her:

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