Mood Swings, Pregnancy Tests and a Life Changing Decision - Siyeon

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Guess who's back!

So, this story was requested by @jeezjeezjust and I gotta say, I had a lot of fun writing this one. Plus, with Siyeon being one of my top five idols, was also quite easy to picture the scenarios, which facilitated on the writing.
Anyway, sorry for the lengthy story and I hope this is close to what you had in mind, and that you also  enjoy it :)

For the others who have requested stories, since I'm back on writing, I'm working on them and I'll try to post them till the end of the month. 

And for the others, like always, I hope you guys enjoy it :)


You and Siyeon were at home, in the middle of a session, actually at the end of it. And with that said, after a few more minutes thrusting into Siyeon, she reaches another orgasm, triggering your own, making you let out a deep groan, while releasing your seeds into her tight cavern.

Moments later, as you finish painting her insides, you slowly pulled out your shaft of her, as you watched your semen leak out of her core. Feeling the tiredness take over, you simply plop on the bed, beside her, with Siyeon chuckling at your exhausted state, while asking:

– You okay, baby?

– Yeah, I am. I jus- Just need a few minutes to recover myself.

And as you answer, Siyeon starts caressing your hair, but instants later, she feels something running down her thighs, so she runs her finger through the leaking spot and once she realizes what happened, she asks you, slightly infuriated:

– Hold on. You weren't wearing a condom?!

– Oh, shit. I knew I had forgotten something...

Siyeon: What the hell, Y/n?!

– Sorry, noona. It's just that you were looking so sexy that got me in a trance, making me forget about the condom...

Siyeon: For fuck's sakes! If I get pregnant, I'm killing you!

– I'm really sorry, Siyeon-ah. I swear it wasn't intentional.

Siyeon (sighing): Well, there's not much we can do about it, now. I just hope I'm not on those days. Anyway, since you caused this, can you buy me some birth control?

– Sure thing. Just let me get cleaned up and put on my clothes.

Siyeon: Thanks, baby.

– Hey, it's the least I can do.

You and Siyeon then get off the bed and head to the bathroom to clean yourselves. Once you're both done, you come out of the bathroom, with Siyeon walking back towards the bed, getting herself under the blankets, while you put on the clothes you were wearing before your session. After getting dressed, you quickly peck Siyeon's lip, as you go out to the nearest pharmacy. About twenty minutes later, you return with the birth control medication and after you fill a glass of water, you head to the room, handing both to Siyeon.

Siyeon: Thank you.

– You're welcome.

You then sit by the bed, as Siyeon takes the birth control and after she's done, you get the medicine pack and the cup from her hands, heading yourself to the kitchen to leave those, there. Once you do as such, you head back to the room, you do the same as Siyeon, getting under the blankets, as you join her, sitting by her side. She then rests her on your shoulder, as she asks:

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