Spoiled Afternoon - Chaeyeon

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So, it took me an actual accident and a "sexy nurse" smut to come up with this story. And despite Chaeyeon being my other ultimate bias, it took me more than I wanted to, to write a story of my precious little angel 💗❤️💗❤️
And just like Handong's 'Late Night Confessions and Lullabies' this story is  my biggest cuddling fantasies I wish to live with Chaeyeon 💗❤️💗❤️ (without the injury, of course 🙃)

And for the people who requested,  don't worry. I'm already working on your stories.

Like always, I hope you guys enjoy it :)


It was one p.m. on a Saturday and after a long and tiring week of work, you decide to reward yourself, ordering some fried chicken from KFC for lunch. Half an hour later, such order arrives and you get a call from the building's doorman, so you go get your lunch. As you were two steps from the floor, you misstep the following stair step, twisting your right ankle, as your foot make contact with the ground. Luckily, the doorman heard the small commotion you were making, along with your groans of pain, so he goes check on you, finding you on the ground.

Doorman: Holy crap! Are you okay, Y/n?!

(Weakly) – I am. Could you get my lunch, please?

Doorman: Of course.

The doorman then does as you asked, getting your order from the delivery service and once with it in hands, he goes back to you, while you were sitting yourself, leaning on the wall. After a few minutes recovering from the pain, you start to get yourself up and with the doorman's help, you get to the elevator and later, to your apartment. Once inside, he hands you your lunch, as you thank him:

– Thanks, Mr. Jung.

– No problem.

He then leaves your apartment. Once back in his work position, he calls for your girlfriend, Lee Chaeyeon.

Doorman: Hello. Is this Kwon Y/n's girlfriend number? Lee Chaeyeon, if I'm not mistaken?

Chaeyeon: Yes, this is her. Who's speaking?

Doorman: I'm the doorman from his apartment building and I'm calling because of an accident your boyfriend got himself into.

Chaeyeon: WHAT?! What happened?!

Doorman: Don't know for sure, but I think he fell from the stairs. Don't know from how many steps, tho. Anyway, at the moment he's in his apartment and I think you should come check him, make sure he's okay.

Chaeyeon: I will. Thank you so much for calling.

Doorman: It's the least I could do.

And as the call ends, Chaeyeon gathers her stuff and rushes to your apartment, arriving at it about twenty minutes later. At the front gate, once the doorman sees Chaeyeon, he lets her in, with her following straight to your apartment floor.

Chaeyeon's POV:

This boy, seriously! Falling from the stairs?! You gotta be kidding me! As I was lost in such stressful and worrying thoughts, I see myself at Y/n's apartment's front door. With my spare key, I quickly open it and once inside, I start looking for Y/n and as I turn to the kitchen, I see him eating at the dinner table. Startled with my sudden presence, he asks:

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