Unusual Beginning - Sunmi I

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So, this story was requested by @user95886429 and well, after gathering all the ideas, I had to end up splitting it in two parts. Sorry I took so long, by the way. Hope you like it and that this is close to what you had in mind :)

Hope you guys also enjoy it :)


After saving money for over half a year, you were finally able to buy the tickets to the award show that your favorite idol would be performing at and now, there you were, standing in the line and you couldn't be more excited. Entertainment wise, it was a dream come true for you. Twenty minutes later, you finally get through the security gates, entering at the concert area, with the actual stage in front of it.

Your POV:

I can't believe this is actually happening! I'm finally attending an award show concert! Plus, I got hella lucky being able to get a place like this one, having the perfect view of the stage. Despite being a multi fan, I've only bought the ticket to watch her and again, I can't believe this is actually happening! As I get inside and set myself at the spot, I wait for the performances to start.

About forty minutes later, after various groups and soloists performances and award receiving, it was her turn. Suddenly, the lights are turned off, with only one being let lit, lighting the center of stage. Here we go! A few moments later, Sunmi, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, starts walking towards the stage and she's looking stunning, as always. And as I finish my thought, 'Heart Burn' starts playing.

About three minutes later, the song ends, with Sunmi striking the final move, while the crowd started to cheer for the performance. She then started to bow and thanked the audience for the love, cheer and support. The cheering of the crowd didn't stop as she walked off stage.

After Sunmi's performance, despite not having much interest on the other groups and soloists that were yet to perform, I stayed till the end of the award show.

About an hour later, once the performances came to an end, along with the people, I start to leave the concert hall. Once I leave the building, I start walking down the alley, next to it. As I was distractedly walking, while remembering Sunmi's performance and humming to 'Heart Burn', until suddenly, I get hit on the face by a metal door. And the last thing I see is a silhouette of a woman, before blacking out.

Sunmi's POV:

Another day, another award show to attend and gladly, this one is over. Seriously, these events are so exhausting, unlike my concerts, which are also tiring, but only physically, cuz the fans' cheers and praises always makes up for the tiredness.

Anyway, as I was lost in my thoughts, while heading outside, suddenly, as I open the back stage's exit, I hear a bang and a groan. I quickly step outside, immediately seeing a boy, fallen down.

Sunmi: Holy crap! Are you okay?!

Due to lack of an answer, I get down and hold his body, close, immediately checking for his pulse. Oh, thank goodness, he's alive. After certifying that the boy was still alive, I get my phone and call for help.

Sunmi: Hey, Hyuna, it's me. Are you busy, cuz I need a ride and it has to be discrete. I'm at the Music Bank concert hall. Thanks.

About fifteen minutes later, Hyuna arrives, leaving her car and coming towards me. Once she gets close and sees the unconscious boy, she says:

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