Christmas Lights, Mistletoes and Movie Marathons - Siyeon

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And just like with Handong, obviously I wouldn't let Siyeon without a special Christmas chapter of her own. This one was written over a draft that I had and never finished, until now

Hope you guys like and Merry (late) Christmas :)


December arrived and with that your girlfriend, Lee Siyeon's favorite time of the year, the end of the year holidays, mainly Christmas. Siyeon woke up about nine o'clock, just so she could surprise you.

Siyeon's POV:

Once I finished making our breakfast, I look at the time and it's already ten o'clock, so I head back to the room, where I find Y/n still asleep. As much as it breaks my heart to wake up the angelic figure sleeping before my eyes, I have to, so we can enjoy this special day. And with such thought, I walk to the bed and sit at the end of it, while I start to whisper, calling for Y/n:

– Baby.

– Hm?

Siyeon: Wake up, baby. It's finally Christmas and I don't want you to waste the day, sleeping till later noon, you sleepy head.

And once he hears my words, Y/n lazily gets himself up, sitting on the bed. He then stretches and scratches his eyes. He's such a baby and a very cute one. Impossible not to fall in love with... Once he's finished, he asks:

– Noona, what time is it?

Siyeon: About ten o'clock, why?

– Just wanted to know. But ten o'clock, already? Shit.

Siyeon: Uhum. I made breakfast for us, so shall we?

– Sure thing. Ugh, crap.

Siyeon: Everything okay, Y/n?

– Yeah, it's just that. I didn't sleep well last night, had a bad dream.

Siyeon: I'm sorry, baby. Well then, let's cheer the mood up with a delicious breakfast, followed by present exchanging. What do you think about that?

– Sounds delightful. Even after three years since we met, you still haven't changed, have ya, noona?

Siyeon: No and I will never do so.

– And that's why I love you so much.

Y/n then leans forward, stealing a kiss. Once we pull our lips apart, he finally gets up from bed, with both of us heading to the kitchen.

Three years ago...


It was five thirty in the afternoon and like always, Siyeon was working as a barista at a nightclub downtown. As she was distracted, cleaning the cups, her best friend Lee Gahyeon comes in.

Gahyeon: Hi, unnnie.

Siyeon: Hey, Gahyeon.

Gaheyon: So, I came to check if you changed your mind about the Christmas light show.

Siyeon: Of course not! I really want to watch this year's show. People are saying that it's gonna mix the light show with fireworks and some other stuff.

Gahyeon: I know, right? But why are you working, tho? It's Christmas Eve.

Siyeon: Don't have to remember me about it. Who the hell's coming to a nightclub at Christmas Eve? Especially at a nightclub that's not gonna host a party.

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