Finally Home - Siyeon

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Well, after writing the Siyeon story request, which got me into a Siyeon stan mood (wanting to be her baby boy 🙃), I decided to rewrite this story, taking out the parts I think it got tooo personal, instead of making it a bit more neutral as I should've had. But the whole mood of being needy, with Siyeon being (one of) my emotional support idol(s), still remains. And just like with the previous version, this is straight up my biggest fluffy fantasy I wished to live with her, so yeah. Hope you guys like it :)


It has been three months since you haven't seen your girlfriend, Lee Siyeon, due to her idol life schedule. Well, you did, but only on screen, whenever she updated her social media or was in some variety show, along with her group members. Either way, it has been a long while since you haven't been with Siyeon and you couldn't bear with missing her, anymore.

With everything said, it was around eight p.m. when you got to your apartment from work and just as expected, your girlfriend, Siyeon wasn't there. You simply sigh in disappointment and head to the kitchen to start making dinner.

Siyeon's POV:

Shit, it's already eight o'clock. I hope Y/n hasn't eaten yet, cuz it's been months since I said I'd come home to have dinner, together and I really don't wanna miss it, again, especially at the very first night of my vacation. And as I was lost in such thoughts, the Uber finally stops and drops me at Y/n's apartment. I then quickly get out of the vehicle and start heading inside the building and moments later, after going three floors up, I'm finally at his apartment's door. With my spare key, I slowly open it and once inside, with quiet steps, I start heading to the only light that could be seen. As I get to the illuminated room, I see Y/n in the kitchen, finding him cooking. Great I actually made it on time...

Still with quiet steps, I slowly approach behind Y/n. Without being able to hold myself back, anymore, I finally shout:

– Surprise!

Y/n jumps on place due to my surprise vocal attack and after a few moments, processing what just happened, he finally says:

– Siyeon?! What are you doing here?!

Siyeon: I'm finally on vacation, so I decided to surprise you and finally have that dinner we've been postponing for so long.

– Holy shit! You almost gave a heart attack! Plus, you could've warned, y'know?

Siyeon (chuckling): But baby, that's not how, surprises work.

– Okay, you got me there. Anyway, I can't believe you're actually here...

Siyeon: Yeah, I'm here... I'm finally back, Y/n...

Without answering, Y/n pulls me in for a hug, as we bury ourselves in the crooks of each other's necks. Moments later, as we pull ourselves apart, without releasing the grip on each other, Y/n jokes:

– Good thing you didn't actually back hug me or something, otherwise, one of us would've gotten hurt.

Siyeon: I'm not blind, Y/n, I saw the knife in your hand. And despite admitting that I did think of back hugging you, thought was better not to risk it.

– Clever move.

Siyeon (chuckling): Pabo.

We then proceed to hug each other, resting ourselves into the crooks of our necks, once again, inhaling the sweet aroma. I missed his scent so much... As we slightly pull apart, we share a deep and passionate kiss, with Y/n placing his hands on my waist, while I wrap mine around his neck. After a minute or two, we finally pull apart, as the lack of oxygen hits both of us. Once we pull our lips apart, Y/n mutters:

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