Unusual Roommate - Hyunjin

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Guess who's not dead?

Anyway, here's a cat girl Hyunjin story

Like always, I hope you guys enjoy it :)


It was around nine p.m. and after eight long and monotonous hours of work, another day finally comes to an end, with you leaving the coffee shop you work at.

As you were walking down the cold streets of Seoul, you sight from afar, a box with something in it. You kept your gaze on the cardboard, until, what you thought till now that was an object, moves inside the box. And as you walk over to the box, your suspicions turned out to be true, there was a yellowish colored cat, trembling from the cold, inside of it. You then pick up the feline, while thinking out loud:

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– You poor little thing. What kind of soulless bastard abandons a kitty on this cold? Come on, you're coming home with me.

Before leaving, you quickly check inside the box for a name tag or some other item, but nothing could be found, except for a small cloth that barely covered the feline in your arms. Luckily for the kitten, due to the cold weather, you wore a scarf to work, so with the piece of fabric, you envelop the feline with it, then finally proceeding to leave the area, continuing to make your way back to your house.

After another twenty minute walk, you arrive at your apartment, with yourself heading straight to the kitchen and once in the room, while still holding the stray cat, you open the fridge and get the milk carton. You then get a soup plate and pour the liquid in to it.

With the meal set, you finally let go of the cat, with the feline going straight to the milk in the bowl, starting to drink it.

Your POV:

Well, I guess I have a cat, now.

While the little fella there is having their dinner, I start to prep mine, by heating up some leftovers I had, and once ready, I sit at the table, starting to eat it.

About twenty minutes later, once I'm finished, I leave the dishes in the sink and go straight to my bedroom getting ready to end the day and after taking a quick shower, I head back to the room, changing clothes to finally go to sleep.

Already lied down, I hear the cat meowing and as I look at them, I see that they're looking right back at me, so I ask:

– What's the matter, buddy?

And the cat meows again, so I ask:

– Let me guess, you wanna sleep on the bed, right?

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