Counselor Hirai - Momo

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So, I had the idea for this story due to myself being a college student (kill me now 🙃) and from a story I read a while ago, and since I was in a Momo mood, back when I wrote this, there you go.

This is also my longest one-shot till this day. 

Like always, I hope you guys enjoy it :)


Hirai Momo was a student's counselor at the university you attended. You've been sent to her office a great number of times, by now, with both of you being very familiar with each other at this point.

With all said, at the moment, Momo was in her office, reviewing some paperwork, until a knock on the door was heard, with her answering:

– Come in!

And with permission given, the person on the other side, steps into the room with a greeting:

– Hey, Momoring.

Momo: Oh, it's you. So, what's the matter with Y/n, this time?

Nayeon: Well, his grades finally started dropping, something I already expected to happen. Aside from that, the usual.

Momo: So, he got into a fight, again?

Nayeon: Yep, during break time.

Momo: Just another Monday for us, I guess. Who did he fight with?

Nayeon: Sung-Jae.

Momo: Well, can't blame him, on this one. That kid's a pain.


– Fight, fight, fight!

Chants from other students pierced your ears, as they compress into a circle, surrounding you and another student, Lee Sung-Jae.

This wasn't supposed to happen or at least, not escalate to this level.

It all started back in the classroom, after you answered a question wrong, with Sung-Jae mocking you, yet unexpectedly for him, your professor, Ms. Nayeon, scolded him for such mocking, with the typical 'we're all here to learn' speech. As thankful as you were for her to side with you, you knew trouble was coming.

And just like you predicted, the moment break time arrives and you step out of the classroom, Sung-Jae calls for you. After a few insults, mostly from him to you and you having the last word, he charges towards you.

You've been part of a few fights during your time at the university, most of which starting off with a silly argument, like this very situation, yet despite you never getting blamed, since the professors always recognized that you were innocent on this regard, you were always sent to the counselor's office, after each conflict.

And as you were concentrated on surviving the fight, you don't notice Ms. Nayeon weaving through the spectators and standing in front of your assault, and once she's able to push you two apart, she asks:

– What is the meaning of this?!

Sung-Jae tries to play innocent, telling her that you started the fight, by insulting him. Thankfully for you, you could tell by Ms. Nayeon's expressions that she didn't believe a single word of what he said. Yet once the conflict was solved, she still demanded you to see the student's counselor, after her class, which causes you to simply sigh in defeat, agreeing with the older woman.

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