Fanfic Like Night Date - Daisy

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Finally a story with my first ultimate bias from kpop 🤧🤧❤️❤️

Like always, I hope you guys enjoy it :)


It was Saturday afternoon, being past four o'clock and for being such day of the week, with your girlfriend, Yu Jung-Ahn, or Daisy as she was popularly known, having her day off from her regular job, at the moment she was searching for a company, to get back on her artistic life.

You two made a deal to meet every weekend, with you going straight to her place, after work. With the spare key Daisy gave you, you get in and due to the tiredness taking over your whole self, you decided to take a nap, like you've been doing the past two to three months. Yet Daisy thought your slumbers were quite irregular, since she was never able to catch you awake, when you went to her house and due to such situation, she started to get worried. Your slumbers were indeed due to tiredness, but there was something else, some other reason you've been keeping it secret from your girlfriend and today was the day she was going to get the answers for her questions...

Daisy's POV:

Another day, another unsuccessful attempt of finding a decent company. How long it'll take me to find an actually trustful compa- Ugh, who am I trying to fool? There's no such thing as decent company.

Now, on an unrelated note, I just hope Y/n is not sleeping again... And with such thought, I get the keys out, unlocking the door, proceeding to open it. As I head inside, I come across Y/n, who's indeed sleeping, despite my wish that he wasn't. What's happening with you, baby...? As I clear such thought, I take out my cellphone and call Taeha, with her picking up, after a few rings:

– Hey, Daisy-ssi. What's up?

Daisy: Take a guess...

Taeha: Y/n is sleeping again?

Daisy: Yeah... This isn't normal, is it? Like, he can't be sleeping this much just cuz he's, well, sleepy. Anyway, I'm gonna talk to him and hope the real reason for his excessive napping is not what I'm afraid it is...

Taeha: But what if it turns out to be such reason...?

Daisy: I have no idea...But I'll figure something out. Anyway, I'll call you later, depending on the aftermath.

Taeha: Okay. Good luck, Daisy-ssi.

As we give our farewells, I end the call, putting the phone back in my pocket, while heading to the couch. Once I'm crouched, while being face to face with Y/n, I start calling for him:

– Hey, Y/n. Wake up.

– Uhm.

Daisy: Rise and shine, sleepy head.

And once he hears my words, Y/n starts to wake up, while lazily getting himself to sit on the couch. After I give him a while to fully awake himself, I sit next to him and once I see he's fully conscious, I finally ask him:

– Is everything okay, baby?

– Hm? Yeah, it is. Why you ask?

Daisy: Look, Y/n, I can't pretend anymore. I know something's happening with you and whatever it is, it's exhausting you.

– Oh, so you noticed...

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