CHAPTER 3 (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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MUSIC FOR THE CHAPTER; Everything I wanted by Billie Eilish.


I hated it... I hated everything.

A loud blare from a shiny black limo driving into the parking lot snapped me out of my thoughts. My mood worsened, I kept breathing in and out to keep myself in check.

I had no reason at all to dislike her, but my instincts aren't wrong when it comes to sensing back stabbers and fakers. The other girl who pissed me off like Palome and her clique of wanna be barbie peng dolls. They pissed me off than the face my chemistry teacher makes when she's angry.

Yayyy she's here.... Is what I would have said if I liked her.

Cassie, stepping out of her limo all pink with blonde hair, a tight pink short dress that looked like it was totally choking her. I kept wondering how she could breathe in that it worse than a body hug dress would stick to a person's body, a pink purse and pink flats.

"Ugh!" I scowled, rolling my eyes.

Everyone except me I guess, loved Cassie, she was you know, hot. She was a model, classy, she dressed like an original barbie doll. All pink, if she wouldn't be called insane for drowning her body in pink paint she totally would.  She was one of the reasons I began to dislike pink.

"Heather!" She squealed with her tiny annoying voice. Don't judge me, I've just never liked here She's....I don't know, too fake to me and maybe because she's Selena's cousin and a lot to deal with.

Soon the other Barbies came in dressed in yellow, purple, pink and all. I was so glad I stood firm on my decision to not the clothes my sisters put in my wardrobe I didn't wanna look anything like them.

Boys swarmed around them like bees, acting dumb as ever. It all annoyed me cause those girls treated them like garbage. Well not that the boys had actual love for them, they just wanted to flirt around. Their stupidity made me laugh a lot.

I watched my sister embrace her friends. I adored Heather for being not so obsessed with bright colors. She was a super hot black Barbie version. Yes! My sister is so cool. Esme handed her purse over to a dude willing to carry it for her. And they all followed her. My lil sis flipped her hair a smug smile perfectly etched on her face.

She jumped over a thin rope, which I suppose was a dumb paint or trip and fall prank set up by some silly boys waiting for their next victim.

"Who on earth did this?!" Her mouth hanged open, annoyed and shocked.

" I'll clean this up Esme." A shy nerdy looking boy smiled shyly. She rolled her eyes and walked away.

" The things popularity do for you." I muttered, pulling my hoodie over my head. I adjusted my glasses and did a breathing exercise. I had that feeling that day wasn't going to be nice. At all.


My face lit up when I saw Melanie putting a few books in her locker. She looked in my direction and smiled. One of the prettiest smiles in the world with cute dimples came from Melanie. She reminded me of Lilly except lilly was cuter probably because she was still so young. She made me happy, always. She stood by me when I need it, she's my best friend. Apart from Cole, Melanie was all I had.

She slammed her locker shut and ran to meet me. She was so very jumpy.

"What's up? Tardy pants. You're late." She chuckled. I told her everything about how Heather and Esme replaced my clothes with dresses.

"And thank goodness I had Cole's hoodie with me." I concluded, smiling full of relief.

" That was something. You never told me what happened at the party though and to be honest. I'd like to see you wear a dress." She grinned.

" The party was a disaster. Nothing but disastrous." I told her pausing shortly in between in the words in my sentence.

" Well nothing's ever right when  Selena and her friendare around to bug the joy out of you." She shook her head.

" By the way, it's April first and so we have to be careful. You mind helping me with a few things after school?" She added.

" Yeah sure, speaking of April 1st, I'm grounded. So well I don't think I can unless you'll come to my place." I frowned.

"Why?" She blinked repeatedly, anticipating my reply which would serve as a hot morning gist.

" Well it's a ...." Before I could continue. The most annoying person happened.

"Ugh! I smell losers. Joyce my perfume. Now! I don't wanna get sick." Selena rolled her eyes, putting on her nose mask. Stretching her hand out to collect the perfume from Joyce.

"Here." Joyce said covering her nose. Selena sprayed the strong scented  cologne into the air, throttling I and Melanie.

We began to whiz and cough.

" Sanitizer spray." Selena stretched her hands out. She sprayed it and it made things worse. Melanie had asthma and she couldn't breathe well. The cologne was overly strong. She began to gasp for air.

"Better." Selena heaved a sigh. I could see her smile through her slightly transparent mask.

"Let's go." She said and Joyce followed her like the puppet she was, how could Joyce not see that they were treating her like the dumb maid in the clique. They walked away unconcerned.

I took out Melanie's inhaler from her bag and gave it to her. "Would it be a bad idea to bury a knife into their skulls?" I gritted my teeth.

" You'd go to jail Silly." Melanie managed to let out a soft laugh.

"I'm not yet eighteen." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't forget there's a place for juveniles."

" You okay?" Worry filled my eyes.

"Yeah. I am, don't bother about me." She smiled.

I wanted to beat up Selena so bad and push her into the Atlantic ocean. Why on earth did someone like her have to exist. So heartless, she was so mean. I fumed trying to resist the temptation to run to Selena and Joyce and give them a taste of their own medicine.


What do you think about Cassie and Selena? If you were Ariana what would you do?

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