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♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡CHAPTER 11♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

This is the continuation of Ariana's pov of chapter nine.

ENJOY!( ◜‿◝ )♡

"I hate it when people who aren't in my league talk to me disrespectfully. I know your parents are rich but that's not enough. How can a human be rich yet ugly?" Selena spat at me.

She removed my glasses and threw them for Joyce to catch. I was scared, so scared that was going to be another one of my broken glasses, it was never too late to make a collection of them. I wanted to scream and tell them not to but only very inaudible sounds came out of my mouth. What ever I opened my mouth to say remains a secret between my brain and vocal cords.

"You think you're gonna get away with this because some hot shot came saving you?"

I felt numb for a moment there. I kept asking why I couldn't yell at them, slap or punch them then runaway. It hurt that I had to be this way. To be defenseless. I was too much of a weakling to do anything.

"Don't you ever get tired of acting this way?" A familiar voice said to them. It was Carver, I was so surprised. He came again even after how I treated him. I kept trying to decipher why his timing was so accurate, coincidences suck.

This time he didn't yell enough to make them flinch but his words came out in a cold yet calm tone. I saw it in Palome's tone, the fear. "Y-you could save yourself the trouble and walk away. You're new, you shouldn't be butting into other people's businesses it's wrong." She said to him.

"Well as long as you're being a cunt, and as long as you're treating Ariana like this, I definitely won't stand for it. Are you getting paid for being sadists?" He replied. Tears rushed down my eyes as he said those words.

"Who do you think you are? Savage king?" Selena scoffed at him.

"I'd understand if you were doing this for a pretty girl, but her?" Brianna yanked my hair again and I let out a yelp, gasping like I couldn't breathe. It felt like someone hit a bell on my head. I hurt so much and I could feel my temperature rise.

"Well, well, well, if it ain't our dear chicken." Aaron snickered from behind him.

"Dude! Can't fight a man, but you can fight a girl that's lame bro, I expected better from something like you." He said before making his mouth into a O. "Oh wow I should have expected it from a chicken."

"Yo Selena! The dude I always told you about from elementary and middle school?"

"Yeah?" She said to him.

"See this dork here. He's the one." He pushed him to the front. He was getting treated like this because of me too.

"I don't have time for this, let Ariana go and we'll have no issues." He sighed, creasing his forehead.

"Nathaniel this ain't no story or movie, this is real and you're gonna get it if you don't get out of here. We'll save your treat for another day." Sean pushed him to the wall and he came over to Brianna who was still holding me captive.

"So why'd you call me?" Sean freely placed his arm around Brianna's shoulder. Suddenly he shoved the two of them hard and grabbed my hand.

"How dare you?!" Sean growled.

Aaron struck at flesh and kicked Carver in the knees and punched him till his body was leaning on the body for support. I quaked hearing him grunt and wince in pain. It was a serious fight. Sometimes, I felt like we weren't seventeen. Aaron was already eighteen though, but it gave him no right.

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