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♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~Chapter 8♪~♪~♪~♪~♪♪~♪
♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~FACING JERKS♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~

Carver's POV
I was pissed about getting late to school thanks to my cousin, Lucas. Since class started before I got to school. I decided to wait in the school hall way till chemistry class was over. To keep myself busy I decided to listen to some NF music and play COD(Call of duty) too.

The bell rang and it was time for the second class. I stopped playing the game and slid my phone into my pocket when I sighted Ariana taking a book from her locker. I was about to say something but she looked away abruptly, it left my mouth open. I was shocked but I calmed down when I remembered the incident from the other and how she wouldn't be able recognize me when she hadn't seen me before.

I was about to walk up to her to say hi properly when I saw Melanie, her chirpy attitude made me smile a bit. She waved at me all excited and I walked towards them. Ariana looked at the two of us, I guess she was confused about what was going on. I knew she couldn't recognize me.

Melanie told her who I was after I walked over to them. Ariana looked shocked for a second before awkwardly grabbing Melanie's wrist and dragging her away. Sigh and this is why I always stay on my own and prefer to ignore everyone. I even ignore Lucas's problems sometimes acting like I don't  care.

Through out school I ignored the two of them even Melanie too, she seemed to be the only one interested in having a sensible conversation with me aside from the annoying girls in class who wouldn't stop flirting with me.

It was last period and I was on way to biology class. The hall way was empty at least I thought it was until I came face another jerk. He was legit sent from hell. His almost brown eyes lit up and a devilish smile came up his face.

"We meet again. I've missed you bro." Aaron said folding his arms.

"Yo! Sean! Michael! Look who we have here." He yelled loud enough for the boys to come out, they all burst into laughter walking out of the empty class. I shook my head and walked past them not wanting to start a fight when they came up in front of you.

"Hey! Stupid! We weren't done talking." Sean snapped at me.

"You shouldn't be acting this way. What's gotten you so brave, saw how you stood up for that dork the other day, she your girl?" Aaron said.

"He's grown pretty much, we thought you'd never grow. Pretty boy.  You know you got my chick hitting on you hard in class today." Sean said to Aaron.

"Could you excuse me? I've got class." I said with a blank expression.

"Nathaniel Carver. Always so serious, I remember how Mrs Gilbert used to be so proud of you for being the best student in 5th grade." Sean sighed. "Don't worry though we're in the same class, we just didn't feel like attending classes today that's why you haven't seen us since morning."

"How on earth is that any of my business? What do you want from me? Aren't you tired of acting so pitiful?" I spat at them.

"I noticed you getting a lil bolder, maybe a nice wedgie would calm ya down." Sean said.

"Remember the chicken dance, bro." Sean tapped Aarons shoulder.

Sigh. Yes, we knew each other from way back and my history with these boys was awful and there's no way I'm letting history repeat itself. I had been bullied before, these two best friends derived joy from my misery back in elementary school and down to middle school.

They molested me in every possible way and broke me several times. Using my pained struck life as a ticket to weakening me and I bringing tears out of my eyes. I've always been alone, I taught myself to be strong and resilient. I made myself tough because I'd be a fool to live the rest of my life, a coward.

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