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_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_CHAPTER 20_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TRY OUTS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
(I listened to Sia's- Chandelier while writing this too. You could too, but I'm not sure it's a right mood for this chapter but whatevs.)

Nathaniel: Tori, find songs that actually match the chapters.

Melanie: For real, we need something to match the feels. Right Ari?

Ari: I told her the same thing a chapter back.

Lucas: Hey, go easy on Tori.

Tori: aww my lu lu boo.

Nathaniel, Ari and Melanie: Lulu? *Laughs hysterically.*

Lucas: *glares.* Call me lu lu again and I'll disappear from the plot.

Tori: *close to tears.* Heyyyy-

Nathaniel, Ari, Melanie and Eva: shoo Tori.

Ari: yeah this is my turf gurl.

Tori: *scoffs* whatever.

That animated picture reminded me of Eva, why? Because she plays the violin. Yes, I just gave you a spoiler.


After a while I went back into the school. I was sure I missed a class already.  Everyone was gathered in the hallway. Again! 

"There you are butt head!" Melanie suddenly pulled my arm, racing across the hallway.

"What the holy fudgeballs?" I yelled.

"I looked for you everywhere." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, Sure! After downloading a thousand Caswell's pictures. Cool yeah?"

"Whatever." She scoffed.

"Yeah yeah." I scoffed back at her.

We finally got to the crowd. Everyone stopped look at the huge Mellow High TV. The school had four extra large televisions  in four different places in each hallway. Everytime it was put on, there was very important information to be passed across the entire school.

Two newscasters popped up on the school news channel. Brianna Smith and Ethan Lew. Yeah that's right. Brianna of the Mellow High's sophomore barbie geng. She's a part of the mass communication team in school, and one of the major people involved. She's in charge of the school's monthly magazine the "Mellozine."

"Good day everyone." Brianna began. "I'm Brianna Smith and with me is."

"Ethan Lew."Ethan flashed a smile." As we all know there have been rumors about  two big events  coming up, well we're here to confirm in affirmation that two big events are indeed on the way. First is  the soccer match between Mellow high and Wingston High."

A picture of the two teams in their jerseys holding soccer balls came into view. Mellow high wore yellow and black and Wingston High wore blue jerseys. Everyone cheered.

"However, Coach Blakey needs more players on the team, and so there's a try out coming up this Friday after school 4:30pm sharp. If you're interested in joining the prestigious Mellow High's soccer team here's your chance to get your ass down the soccer field on Friday and show Coach Blakey what you got!" Brianna continued.

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