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'•'•'•'•'•''•'•''•'•''•'•'•'•'CHAPTER 14•'•'•'•'•'•'•''•'•''•'•''•'•''•



I hurried back to class because I wanted to tell Melanie everything so that we could make efforts to know why he wasn't in school. I tapped Melanie from behind, she looked upset. Probably because I interrupted her conversation with the dude she was talking to. There was this responsibility I felt I had to protect Melanie from babies in the bodies of young men, she was quite the flirt. And none of her relationships went past a month.

"Arrriii, not now. I was having it good with him. He's a really nice senior." She whined, stomping her feet.

"Girlfriends before male hoes." I grabbed her hand, taking her to the female's restroom.

"What?" She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"You know what you did Melanie, you know." I spoke with a sense of seriousness as hurt laced my tone.

"Huh?" She looked so confused.

"I could never believe you would do this." I didn't look at her this time.

"What? I didn't do anything."

"You didn't do anything?" I scoffed.

"Alright alright, in the fifth grade I flushed your goldfish down the toilet. Look it wasn't my..."

"Holy beeswax what the F?" Her words came as a huge surprise to me. Goldie was the only pet my patents allowed me to have.

"He died while I fed him cookies. I didn't want you to know. I've always felt guilty about flushing Goldie down the toilet but swears it wasn't intentional."

"You freaking lied to me. You said he was stolen. I kept Goldie with you for the weekend, he dies and you bury him without my consent." I spoke, upset.

"I thought you knew, why are you looking so surprised?." Melanie pouted her lips in a frenzy.

"No dumbo. I was just tryna pull yo legs. I'll be doing this often. The real reason I brought you here is totally different." I smirked.

"Oh you're gonna get it." Melanie chuckled softly.

"Don't!" I widened my eyes knowing what she was going to do.

She sniggered a bit."You can't avoid the impossible."

"Hey! Don't forget you did me wrong with Goldie." I said as a form of defense.

"Fine." She jeered playfully. " So why'd you  me here?"

"Carver." I said almost inaudibly.

"I knew you liked him." She giggled and I felt like hitting her hard.

"No, I don't."

"Shuussshhh! Don't deny love."

"Let's be serious here Melanie. I'm worried that he hasn't been in school, and after all he's done for me the least I could do is try to know if he's okay." I told her.

"Yeah, you're right. I also thought about it in class. Although, he could be that he felt like cutting school or something. " She nodded.

"True, but still I mean what if his parents decide to change schools because he got bruised yesterday."

"You're right, that could be the reason." She gasped, reasoning with me. "Still doesn't mean you're not attracted to him." She grinned widely. I wanted to tear off her head at that point, I'm not attracted to Carver.

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