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-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•♪••♪••♪♠CHAPTER 13•-•-•-•-•-•-•-♪••♪••♪

Yo guys, I saw that animated picture above and thought of Nathaniel Carver, to me it kinda looks like him if you remember his physical description. Pretty isn't he? I feel his face and posture as well as expression gives off Carver vibes.


My sisters and I didn't say a word to each other during dinner. Mom and dad didn't talk about it anymore too, by it I mean the fact that I got attacked and I quote and the fact that my sister's came home late even though we were grounded, let's not also forget that we hadn't made up yet. Dinner had been unusually quiet since April 1st and it was so unsettling. Usually we'd be running our mouths while shoving chunks of food down our throats.

Dad had an extra pair of glasses just in case, he's literally one of the few things I'm grateful for. I was so glad I didn't have to visit the doctor again I made up my mind to protect it with all I had. We all finished dinner with a short prayer of thanks anchored by Dad and we all left to our rooms. A little while after I heard a knock on my door.

"Ari." I heard Lilly's adorable childish voice.

I opened my door and was shocked to see Esme holding Lilly's hand.

"Can I come in?" She whispered softly.

"Yeah." I led them in.

We sat on my on my bed and concurrently said sorry.

"No, I'm sorry." Esme held my hand. "You know Heather's been going through some tension with her boyfriend. Don't feel upset, it's my fault we stayed late in school, I begged her to help with the drama club costumes using a small bucket of Eggos as a reward. She got into an argument with Kyle again before leaving school. So in case you heard her yelling she meant none of it. Also, why didn't you say you were leaving? We were so worried that was the reason I wasn't going to apologize at first but then I saw your face at dinner I just had to, you barely ate which is unlike you."

" She told me nothing  about an argument between her and Kyle. I know she meant none of that. I mean she's Heather, always aggressive when she's distressed. I should have told you guys I was leaving. " I replied her.

"We should have asked if you'd be comfortable all alone too and Oh! I thought she told you. Well, maybe she forgot. With that and the fashion competition she's been worked up mentally, emotionally and physically too."

Now that I thought about it, Heather and I barely spent time together since she her sophomore year. Just a few words in the living room and that was it. It was Esme she spent more time with. I guess just as Lilly's my favorite, Esme is Heather's favorite too. I did get really envious sometimes though because I also wanted to be just as close to them.

"It's okay. I understand." I assured her. " I should have told you guys I was leaving already. I just felt uncomfortable staying there alone, and I left. It must have skipped my mind to let you two know."

"I understand. We shouldn't have left you alone. Hey! How about you come join the drama club so you wouldn't feel so alone after school? You'd never get in trouble, we'll just make up excuses or we could get Melanie to explain why we're late till we aren't grounded anymore." Esme nudged me.

"No, Esme. Besides Melanie won't always be there. It's only for a month and we'll be free." I nervously chuckled. I couldn't face a crowd or people. It was just too much for me. I wasn't meant for that kinda stuff. I would have loved to but Palome's in the drama club, and I'm not going to risk the itsy bitsy  peace I have left for acting.

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