Chapter 32

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(✿☉。☉)(✿☉。☉)....ACE IT....ヽ(。◕o◕。)ノ.ヽ(。◕o◕。)ノ


The sound of my alarm clock woke me up. I reluctantly got off  my bed, groaning under my breath. It was finally the day I'd be trying out for the soccer team. I felt relaxed because I had faith in all the training I went through with the help of Tony and Lucas. My mind went back to how I locked my brother out of my room. I chuckled cause I know how he'd react.

I played some music with my speakers and swooshed into action grabbing my toothbrush and scrubbing my teeth up and down, and since today was going to be different I did some flossing, took my bathe. While I was in the shower I pondered on what to wear, imagining myself in most of the clothes I had. "Eureka!" I raised a fist into the air. I took a vintage shirt and a white short sleeved polo shirt with baggy denim jeans, and the final touching my favorite pair of Nike shoes.

I combed my long hair gently, and sprayed some perfume, I had fifty minutes to get to school, all was left was Lucas and breakfast. I sneaked into the kitchen, looking up my eyes met something frightening. Tony was holding a knife in his hands and staring at me like he was going to gouge my eyes out.

"Here! I made you fruit salad." I breathe out, relieved.

"Oh." He laughed." Don't worry I'll get back at you for what you did yesterday after your try out. You can't play soccer with a broken leg."

"What?" I raised my brows and my mouth hung open.

"What? Just come have breakfast." Tony brought out a cereal box from the kitchen cupboard.

"Whoa, you're up early. What sorcery is this?" Lucas asked.

"Stop." I warned.

"Nope. When was the last time you got ready this early." Lucas grabbed a spoon and cereal bowl.

"Don't piss me off dunderhead."

"Says someone who's having Daddy Tony make him breakfast." Lucas laughed crazily.

"Well, I make breakfast for you too Lucas." Tony told him.

"Not like you have a choice." Lucas shrugged.

"You know I was going to break Nathaniel's legs until I remembered he had soccer tryouts, but you don't, Do you want your legs broken?" Tony gave him a sly grin.

"Oh my! It's time for school. Nathaniel meet me in the car." Lucas rushed his cereal, swiping his lips clean with the back of his hand.

I chuckled." He's scared of you."

"You are too." Tony raised up the knife.

"You can't use that on me." I scoffed.

"But I can use this. It'd look nice on your butt" He raised a large spatula up.

"Yeahhhh, I gotta get to school. I'll see you after." I hurriedly left the kitchen.

I grabbed my backpack and bustled to the garage. "I thought Tony had you already." Lucas joked.

"Neh. I'm not gonna have myself go through that this morning."

"We have ten minutes left before the first class. If I cross the speed limit we should get there just in time."

"Lucas I'm not going to go through one of your crazy car adventures."

" Chill bruh. I know a short cut." Lucas winked at me, before starting the engines.

"No please." I sighed.

"Too late." We zoomed off.

Lucas was a crazy driver at seventeen the speed at which he drove was disturbing.  Eminem Ft juice wrlds Godzilla blasted from the speakers as we sped through his "short cut" which was more of a deserted road, I kept wondering how that road led really our school, luckily there were no cops.

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