CHAPTER 9( ◜‿◝ )♡

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I spent the entire class thinking about my action, earlier and looking at the entrance of the class and around the class for them, my eyes raking every corner of the class. I  couldn't tell if I acted like a coward would or if it was just better avoiding getting into anymore trouble than I was already in. I honestly couldn't tell. I never thought that I'd have to face that again. Face them again.

If I only I laid low like Lucas told me and didn't go to help that girl, to help Ariana maybe they wouldn't have noticed me on time, maybe I would have noticed them first since they were always the first to something really stupid.

School went by really fast. Last class was over and the class bell rang. Luckily for me I didn't see them in the hallway. I smiled in victory thinking I did the right thing. I was walking down a alley which was a short cut to my house when I heard whimpers coming from behind a block.

"So you think you're gonna get a way with this, because some hotshot came saving you?" That voice was so familiar. I clenched my fists, mentally groaning.

" Why do people have to be so stupid?" I mumbled to myself. I wanted to turn back and run away because the person I was going to save wasn't worth the save, but I couldn't stop myself it was like my feet moved on their own.

I moved closer and I saw Brianna grabbing a hand full of Ariana's hair and yanking it with force, they look of her glasses again and gave it to Joyce. Joyce began to cry but wiped it immediately. I saw she was terrified, she didn't like what was going on but neither was she going stop it.

"Don't you get tired of acting this way?" I heard myself say, this time I didn't yell enough to make them flinch but my words came out in a cold yet calm tone.

"You could save yourself the trouble and walk away. You're new, you shouldn't be butting into other people's businesses it's wrong." Palome said to me.

"Well as long as you're being a cunt, and as long as you're treating Ariana anyhow. I definitely won't stand for it. Know that well, and know that good." I replied.

"Who do you think you are? Savage king?" Selena scoffed.

"I'd understand if you were doing this for a pretty girl, but her?" Brianna yanked her hair again and Ariana let out a yelp, gasping like she couldn't breathe. I could only wonder what else they had done to her. I only ever thought that my gender was brutal. I had no idea that females could be so violent too.

"Well well well if it ain't our dear chicken." Aaron snickered from behind me.

"Dude! Can't fight a man but, you can fight a woman that's lame bro. I expected better from something like you." He said before making his mouth into a O. "Oh wow I should have expected it from a chicken."

"Yo Selena! The dude I always told you from  elementary and middle school?"

"Yeah?" She said to him.

"See this dork here. He's the one." He pushed me to the front.

"I don't have time for this, let Ariana go and we'll have no issues." I sighed.

"Nathaniel this ain't no story or movie, this is real and you're gonna get it if you don't get out of here. We'll save your treat for another day." Sean pushed me to the wall and went over there Brianna who was still holding Ariana captive.

"So why'd you call me?" Sean freely placed his arm around Brianna's shoulder. I felt like I was wasting too much time. I shoved the two of them hard and grabbed Ariana's hand.

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