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﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏CHAPTER 28﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
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Let's learn some soccer(chortles). I don't know much about soccer ( laughs nervously).(*﹏*;)


After what happened at the cafeteria people kept talking about Eva. Some people even got videos of the scene, and there were pictures of Eva on snaps and class group chats. Some called her ice witch or lone lunatic or pauper, the snub.

There were so many comments about her.

"How could she ignore them like that?"

"Is she new? I've never seen her before."

"I see her around sometimes all alone and plugged."

"She's a freak I tell you! Her hair is always covering half of her pale face I wonder if there's a more to her."

"Who even let that pauper into our school?"

"I thought they stopped giving scholarships."

"I think she's mentally unstable. Did you guys see how she hit her spoon on the table?"

"That wasn't as scary as when she grabbed Joyce's hand."

"I advice no one go near her, no one knows what that weirdos capable of."

"I heard she's been in Mellow High since freshman year."

"She probably ditches classes."

"She takes the bus. Ewwww!"

"Heard Selena and her friends got in trouble. The dramas not over yet."

"Drama's never over in Mellow High."

"High schoool without spice is boring."

"Bet she won't show her face in school for a while."

"Obviously, she was terribly humiliated."

I was tired of reading the messages, I logged out and put off my phone. I hoped Eva wouldn't read the messages. She always seemed calm, though in an odd way. Why didn't she say nothing to defend herself? I kept thinking about it. Lucas was driving us home today. I didn't say bye to my friends on time. I had hardcore practice to get to, getting on the soccer team wasn't something I was looking forward to. I just didn't want to get humiliated even if I failed to get in I wanted everyone to know I gave my all into it though I wasn't going to give my all. I didn't want to be on that team.

"Thinking huh?" Lucas started a conversation." You always have something to think about."

"Don't we all have something to think about?" I asked.

"Not me." He chuckled." I don't think at all, I clear my head."

"By smoking?" I smirked.

"Eases my stress Nathaniel. It's helped me get so far."

"You're getting addicted." I was worried about my cousin.

"Let's leave me. I'll be fine. What are you thinking about?" Lucas adjusted the gear.

"Eva?" He asked when I didn't give a reply.

"Yeah.  The more I try to study Eva the more I get confused."

"She's mystery girl."

"Sure." I laughed.

" She's definitely going through a lot." Lucas turned left. " Want Starbucks?"

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