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⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅CHAPTER 15⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅⑅



"You two?" He seemed startled to see us at his place. I prayed within me that he wouldn't ask how we got his address. I didn't want to look desperate to him.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"You weren't in school. We were so worried about you." Melanie butted.

"Oh." He mouthed.

"I got a few things to attend to, so I'll be going in. Let me know if you need anything." His older brother said before stepping in.

Carver stayed put, and there was this awkward silence in the atmosphere, and my words broke it.

"You shouldn't be standing, sit down. How's your leg though?" I was offering him a seat in his own apartment, how ironical.


"That's good." I replied.

He sat down on the sofa next to us. He was still limping. I had no idea that it was so bad. I didn't know where to begin. I wanted to apologize for everything he had to go through because of me. Suddenly, Melanie stood up and sat next to him, she draped her arm round his shoulder. Carver was even more flustered than I was.

"You look as pale as a ghost. I don't like it." She blinked her full long lashes at him.

"I look that pale?" He asked.

"Very pale." She replied and he didn't say a word. I was wasting too much time. I had to speak up.


"Yeah?" His eyes darted towards mine.

"I just wanted to say...." I heaved a sigh. "I'm sorry. It's my fault that you're bruised, and I haven't been good towards you either. I've always acted weird unnecessarily..." At this point I felt a lump in my throat and couldn't proceed, I hated having to apologize to anyone outside my family, not that I wouldn't if it's my fault or not but constructing sentences in those situations was a whole lot. I constantly rolled the hem of my shirt with my fingers.

"It's okay. I understand how you feel." He smiled at me. He actually smiled at me. I didn't know why but I felt content, subconsciously smiling back at him.

"Heyyyyy! I feel left out here." Melanie folded her arms, looking away. Drama queen. Carver patted her head.

"I forgive you too."

"Huh?" Melanie looked confused and we laughed.

"So does this mean we're friends?" I asked, timidly.

"Yes. We were always friends."

"This is such a touchy moment." Melanie said in her usual high pitched tone again.

"You made friends?" We all turned to look at carver's brother. "That's good. So who's in for ice cream and gummy bears?"

"We are." We chorused.

"I thought you were going in." Carver narrowed his eyes at Tony.

"You know I'd never actually go in." He chuckled and went into the kitchen.

We all talked over ice cream. Turns out Carver's brother, Tony was a soccer player. That explained his well built body that Melanie couldn't take her eyes off. He told us about the challenges he encountered especially having to joggle it with college life, and the funny moments he had on the field.

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