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Chapter 24 : Nothing to be afraid of
Song For The Chapter: Sing me to sleep



A seven year old Nathaniel holding a ball looked up to the smiling sun shining upon the face of the field he was standing on.

"Nathaniel!" A man in his late thirties called out to him.

"Dad!" The boy ran to his father.

"Can I check the ball? It went farther than I expected. I  wanna see if it's not punctured yet." The man told his son.

"Yeah sure." The boy eagerly gave the ball to his father. Young Nathaniel stared at his handsome well built father in admiration as he checked out the ball.

"Seems like it's in good shape. Wanna play some more?" The man asked his sun.

"Sure dad!"



"Yeah son?"

"I wanna be like you someday. Cool and awesome like you and good at soccer."

His dad chuckled." You'll be even better son. Infact at your age I didn't know the moves you know now. I only got really good in high school."

"Really dad?" The boy smiled, asked in his childish boy voice.

"Really! Now less talking more dribbling."

Little Nathaniel and his father continued to play on and on with his father trying to go easy on him due to his size and ability.

"Let's see if you can get the ball from me." His father laughed.

"I'll beat you a hundred to zero." The boy laughed back.

"Isn't this type of soccer too much for a seven year old, Henry?" A lady in her early thirties looking like a teenager asked. Her hair, dyed blue matched the blue shirt she was wearing along with her dark blue palazzo jeans. She was slim and tall, but not as tall her as her husband. Her green eyes brightened in the sun.

"Mom!" A younger version of Tony called out to her.

"Told you I was gonna leave if you didn't choose the flavor that you wanted on time."

"No fair! The flavors were too many. It was hard to decide." Tony whined.

"Did you get some for your brother too?"

"Of course I did." The boy smiled, and his mother ran her hands through his hair.

"Good boy." She patted his head.

"That's enough play boys! Come have some ice cream before you get too exhausted!" The woman yelled.

"Give us some time hunny!" The man said trying to dribble his son.

"Yeah mom!" Nathaniel said trying to concentrate on beating his father.

"You boys are gonna get it if you don't get down here right now!" The woman yelled.

"Now I said!" She crossed her arms.

"Alright Christine!" Henry laughed.

"C'mon let's take a break son." Henry patted his sons head.

"Noooo! I haven't scored yet." Nathaniel whined.

"I promise we'll play after ice cream." Henry assured his son.

"Took you two long enough." Christine sighed.

Henry gave Christine a peck on the cheek.

"Ewww!" The boys slurred, and their parents laughed.

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