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________________MASKED PAIN__________________
_________________CHAPTER 29___________________

I sincerely apologize for leaving you guys without anything to read for so long ( ≧Д≦) 

I woke up with my body hurting like crazy. Soccer practice can be exhausting, perhaps it's because it had been so long since I went through that kind of activity. I woke up pretty late. I dashed into the living room, I had only thirty minutes before the first class was over and I was still in my underwear.

Lucas was all ready watching a movie on the couch. He looked up and his orbs met mine. " I've been waiting. Get ready. You owe me a favor for making me this late."

I sighed, relieved that he hadn't left. If Lucas left and went to school without me, there was a huge probability he'd go with the car which would be another issue for me. A part of me really wanted to skip school. Perfect attendance was one of the least important things to me. I had always had the habit on being unconcerned. I took my shower and then the issue was what to wear.

I glanced at my messy room and the pile of laundry undone. I groaned "when was the last time I did my laundry? I have to clean this room, seeking it like this irks me." Well it came with an advantage I easily knew what to wear. I looked good in anything that I pick for myself. I took a big grey sweater and black jeans with some Converses. I looked at the mirror and felt like I did well. I used some perfume, bending down to take a closer look at my face in the mirror, I blew away tye stray strands of hair blocking my sight.

I took my comb and couldn't decide on letting my hair disheveled or combing it. I wasn't particular about my dressing though, but ever since I determined to get confident about myself I started to seem attractive myself, sometimes, and I felt like a pretty boy at the moment.

"Leave your hair and get your backpack. I'm leaving. You're not a girl Nathaniel, thirty minutes have passed by and you're still indecisive about your hair, don't get me...."

"Quitting fussing luco and let's go." I patted his shoulder.

"Don't call me luco." Lucas refuted almost immediately.

"Where's Tony?" I asked while getting out.

"Wayyy to look out for your brother."

"You telling me or not?"

"He had something to attend to, he left in a rush for who knows what." Lucas opened the car.

"Let's hope the second class isn't over before we get to school." He started the engines and we left for school.

Twenty minutes later we were in the school's parking lot. "Great! We're the only ones arriving at this time."

"On the bright side, think of this as a grand entry." I swiftly got out of the car.

"Into detention?" Lucas glared at me.

We tiptoed in the hallway and tried as much as possible not to get caught by any teacher or the principal. We hid behind a locker when we heard voices. Lucas made me take a  peek at what was happening. I saw Eva next to a woman that looked just like her. Pale skin, jet black hair and the same blue orbs. The woman was tall, and looked like she was in her  late thirties although I guessed she'd be in her early forties instead. Wearing a suit skirt, a white long sleeved t shirt with her hair  in a ponytail style and some bangs covering part of her eyes. I guessed they had a thing for covering part of their face.

The way she stood, talked and everything looked classy. I didn't know if what was said about Eva was true, she was damn weird, but the woman next to her looked standard for whatever they said about Eva to be true.

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