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___CHAPTER 25____________                                  _______IN______


We all got to school without much ruckus at home. Esme took forever to get ready though, because her hair straightener failed to work after straightening half of her hair, Heather had to come to rescue by single handedly straightening her hair by improvising.

I found Melanie at her usual spot, which was her locker, waiting for me.

"Took you long enough." We hugged.

"The reason it feels like I take so long is because you get to school wayyy too early." I told her. "Try getting to school around the same time I get to school."

"Time is money, Ariana. I'm thinking from the business perspective."

"Cause you wanna go into that field after high school?" I opened my locker.

"Heck no! I wanna be a hot lawyer." Melanie purred.

"Mmmh mmmhh." I took out two of my textbooks from my locker.

"You're not paying anymore attention to me are you?" Melanie tapped me.

"Nahhh." I laughed.

"Knew it! You're so sly."

"No, I'm not." I rolled my eyes, and slammed my locker shut before I locked it.

"Girls!" Carver called out to us.

"Nathaniel." Melanie ran to hug him. I put my locker key in my bag pack, and ran to catch up with them.

"Tony's gonna pick us up after school." Lucas told his cousin.

"Hi." Lucas smiled at me.

"H-hi." I stuttered, the smile was weird.

After Lucas was out of sight. " Does your cousin know he looks supes adorbs when he smiles?" Melanie blurted.

"Oh he knows." Carver replied. " Huh Melanie?"

"Yah?" She looked up to him.

"You could like let go of me now." Carver smiled.

"Oh, sorry. I seriously had no idea I was still leaning on you." Melanie's face was flushed from embarrassment.

"It's okay." He said.

"Thanks, I guess I got clingy for a moment there, been long I hugged someone." She whispered enough for Carver and I to hear.

"Ahem! Ahem!" I pretended to clear my throat and they turned their faces towards me. "Sorry to ruin the touchy moment, but we've got class and you hug me almost everyday Melanie."

"Short hugs besides the taller the better." Melanie grinned, yet again.



"You smell really nice." Melanie complimented him.

"Why? Thank you, Miss Carter." Carver stated.

"So about the soccer team?" I couldn't complete my sentence I didn't know why I asked even Melanie didn't mention it.

"Oh jeez! I forgot to tell you guys that I agree to trying out for the team. I just have to sign up." He told us.

"Omg omg omg!" Melanie strained her high pitched voice.

"Let's go sign you up right away!" I suggested.

"We don't have to worry about that. Lucas will get me registered during practice." He informed us.

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