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͒ ۝ ͒  ͒ ۝ ͒  ͒ ۝ ͒  ͒ MASKED PAIN ͒ ۝ ͒  ͒ ۝ ͒  ͒ ۝ ͒  ͒ ۝
☞ ☞☞☞° ͜ʖ ͡°☞CHAPTER 32☜↼_↼☜ ☜ ☜ ☜ ☜

I thought of letting Eva tell her own side of her story herself, but I'm not mentally ready for that today. Sigh, so Carver will have this chapter especially since we all love him so much, also because the last parts of the chapter will evolve around him.

Carver's POV

"I'm only trying to help you. Isolating yourself like this isn't going to take your problems away. They're good kids, they wouldn't have stood up for you if they didn't care." Miss Camille tried to explain.

"Doesn't mean you can go around spitting out my personal life to people I barely know just because they stood up for me out of pity. You always do this....."

"It wasn't out of pity, it's because you're our friend, and we care." I stated.

Eva grinned. "As if." Her grin looked creepy because of the way almost half of her face was covered with her hair.

"We care about you Eva, we can't stand and see a friend suffer." Ariana smiled at her.

"Yeah." Melanie added.

"I'll be honest, I don't like those girls, and any friend of my bro here is a friend of mine." Lucas said.

"See?" Her aunt told her.

Eva sighed" I never asked you guys to stand up for me."

"Doesn't mean we won't." I replied.

"Just give making friends another chance?" Miss Camille tried to persuade her.


"You should have thought of the consequences of following approaching Ariana and I in lab." I said.

"It was for a class project that's part of our grades."

"You should have also thought about it before talking to me on the bleachers."


"Also, before you kept following me around the other day."

"I followed you for a specific reason, but we ended up talking about something else. Not that we really talked though...." She mumbled the last part.

"Leave her alone guys. One shouldn't beg for friendship, if she wants to be alone and live the rest of high school a loner we can't force her to turn that decision around. That's her issue." Lucas yawned. "All this talk is draining me."

"Lucas!" Melanie huffed.

"What?" He shrugged.

"He's right. If my niece doesn't want to make good memories, and dread high school forever. It's none of your business if she also wants to walk around alone clueless and oblivious it's not something you guys should be concerned about." Miss Camille took her seat and went back to her desk.

"Miss Camille....." Ariana muttered.

"I'm sorry for taking your recess away from you because of my personal interests. If any of you ever get detention throughout your senior year, if I'm still here let me know I'll make sure you're cleared." She sighed.

Eva left and slammed the door shut.

"Lucas?!" I smacked him from behind. After I gently shut the door of the vice principal's office, being the last to leave.

"She'll come on her own. Words like that affects a person's ego." Lucas said." And if she doesn't budge throughout high school then she's prolly chosen to be the weird loner running the race of a highschooler in the shadows."

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