CHAPTER 4(✯ᴗ✯)

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....I fumed trying to resist the temptation to run to Selena and Joyce and give them a taste of their own medicine.

The bell rang before I could think again. "Omg we're gonna be late for class." Melanie panicked. Well who wouldn't? Mrs Thorn's English class was not something to joke with. We ran. We ran forgetting Melanie  suffered an asthma attack until she had a little difficulty catching up and we had to stop for her to catch her breathe.

"You're late Miss Miller and you Miss Carter." Mrs Thorn frowned at us, we bent down, our hands on our kneecaps. We were trying to balance our ragged breathing.

"We're Sorry Mrs Thorn." we said simultaneously.

She raised an eyebrow. "Don't be late again. I'm only letting you in because you two are one of the best students I have." She said walking back to the front of the class. Melanie picked the seat in the front of the class and there was only one left. My insides cringed as I looked at the seats and those next to and behind it.

Sean, Aaron, Selena and Palome, the most annoying beings to walk the earth. "Heyyy Ari." Aaron waved at me.

"We saved the seat especially for you." Sean said touching the seat.

" Miss Miller, you're distracting my class. Get a seat!" Mrs Thorn snapped.

" Yes ma'am." I said as I billowed towards my seat glaring at Sean and Aaron.

"Ugly." Palome scoffed spraying her  sanitizer around the corner all of us sat.

"Palome." Mrs Thorn furrowed her brows.

"Ma'am I can't stand dirt, there's some dust on my table. On my last appointment with my doctor he said to pay attention to my environmental hygiene." She replied checking her nails.

Mrs Thorn shook her head and continued the class. It was well going well. I smiled, after having to take in Palome's offensive words. Selena became quiet, Sean and Aaron weren't kicking my  the leg of my chair acting like idiots like they normally. "Finally." I heaved a sigh.

You know those moments when you speak too soon. Yeah I spoke too soon. Wayyy too soon. I frowned with disgust as I felt something oddly wet on neck I touched it and I gasped.

"what the...." I turned to my right and saw Aaron putting a large straw in the mouth before I could protest another spit ball landed on my forehead. Aaron smirked and waved the straw at me.

"It's wayyy too peaceful." Sean whispered from behind and started kicking my chair and nudging my head forward. All through it was spit balls and my head almost hitting my table as they began to kick my chair.

"Aa......" A spit ball went into my throat and I began to choke.

" Sccccooorrreee." Aaron mouthed.

"Whoa brah." Sean grinned.

"Ew." Selena laughed.

Melanie ran to me. "You jerks." She scowled.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Mrs Thorn yelled, anger lacing her voice. Before she could give us detention the bell saved us.

"Bro! I saw that." Michael gave Aaron a hand shake whatever bro hugs boys do.

"Yeah nice shot." Another boy said from behind.

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