CHAPTER 12 •ᴥ•

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°•°•°•°•°•°••°••°••°•°CHAPTER 12°•°•°•°•°•°••°••°••°•
~•~•~•~•~••~••MAKE IT RIGHT•~•~•~•~••~••~••~••~

This time mom opened the door, her brown orbs met mine looking very petrified.

"Oh, my baby." She hugged me tightly.

"Come in you two, what happened?" She ushered us in.

"Big fat tall men." Melanie sighed.

"Big fat tall men?" Mom shook her head in disbelief.

We all sat down and Melanie worked her magic. She was so good at making up stories and giving excuses. My mom was pretty easy to convince though.

"Yes. Oh, Mrs Miller. I had to go home early for piano lessons while Ari had to go home alone."

"Hold on. I thought your father and I made it clear. Not a minute after school, you guys are still grounded. Where are your sisters?" Mom said hot under the collar.

"Sorry mom." I rumbled ignoring her second question and mom sighed.

"So those big fat men, did they attack you?" She asked us.

"No, they only asked for  valuables and cash. She didn't have any so they took Ariana's glasses. Ari was so lucky a new kid from school saw what was happening and security. They got arrested and Ari had him call me so I got her and her we are." She sounded so convincing. Mom's facial expression totally changed.

"Your sisters are so getting it when they're back home. Thank you Melanie. Thank you for bringing my baby home."

"Mooommm." I whined.

I hated her calling me baby like I was actually one. I mean Lilly's the baby not me. Yet if she sees just a little cut on my hands she goes mushy mode. Well she was like that with my sisters too. Different parents with weird different parenting methods. I was only happy she wasn't extremely overprotective.

"You know I won't stop." Mom patted my head.

"This is really bad you only just got another pair. We'll have to got to doctor Gray. Your glasses have to stop breaking from time to time." Mom said, flustered.

I stayed silent. I wish she hadn't said that. It wasn't my fault neither was I happy about it. She meant no harm but I felt hurt. I hated having going to the doctor's office all the time getting examined with no progress on my eyesight.

"Huh, Mrs Miller I have to go. I left my piano lessons without telling my mom so .."

"No, it's okay. You've done more than enough. I was baking muffins I wish you could stay a bit longer so you could have some too."

"Maybe next time Mrs Miller. Bye Ari." She hugged me.

Mom helped me to my room. I despised every moment of that day . She held me like I was some old blind woman. I refused to change my clothes and bathe.

Heather and Esme came home really late. Moms yelling announced their arrival.

"You guys know you're grounded right?" She bellowed.

"Mom it wasn't my fault too. I had a fashion competition. I told you weeks back and you were just as excited." Heather said, sober.

"For once can you kids not try to rebel against mine and your father's decision." Mom rubbed her temple.

"Did you care about your sister's wellbeing? Where she was? Is a fashion competition more important than family? Ariana could have gotten hurt today. Hooligans tried to attack her, if it weren't for Melanie and another kid from your school God knows what could have happened. They took her glasses away, how would she have gotten home we all know she can't see well without them." Anger twined with her tone.

"I told her to wait in the hallway. She chose to go home on her own. Isn't pursuing my dreams important to you? You know what things like these mean to me and how much I have prepare for them. The prank wasn't my idea. I didn't know the entire plan for it. I just agreed to it to make them happy don't make everything look like it's all my fault cause it isn't mom. I love you all and you know it." Heather replied, clenching her teeth.

"Mom whatever it is we did wrong, those that we know and don't know of we're really sorry about it." I heard Esme say.

I couldn't step out of my room. The argument seemed heated because of me. I gulped my saliva. My sisters would be angry with me again.

" I don't know what to say to you two. The person you should apologize to is Ariana." Mom told them.

"Apologize? Mom she chose to leave on her own. How's that our fault? She had a choice to stay or leave, and she left. Do you know how worried we were, spending hours looking for her everywhere in school with various thoughts running through our minds?" Heather yelled and Esme heaved a sigh.

"I'm not apologizing mom." Esme added.

" She came home because she knew that she was grounded." Mom defended me. "At least she's trying to be obedient."

"No mom! Then why didn't she tell us to come home with her. She agreed to stay in the hallway then left without saying a word to us. She gets attacked, and now it's our fault. How are you so sure she came home because she was grounded?" Heather said.

"You told your sister to sit and wait while you went about your business. So what if she agreed did you care to think for once that she might feel left out and alone?! Where's the humanity in you two? Can't you see your fault in this too? So what if she left and that was wrong because she didn't think that you two could get worried looking for her, but it doesn't mean asking her to just sit for more than hour alone is okay too." Mom spoke in a low tone.

"She should have told us she wasn't convenient with it."

"Sometimes we do this that aren't comfortable for us to make those dear to us happy or don't we? I'll leave you guys to sort things out and make things right with your sister." Mom left them and headed to the kitchen.

I was wrong too for leaving without letting them know at all. If I had waited then all this wouldn't have happened and mom wouldn't have gotten so upset. I would have my glasses, no one would get bruised. I had to set things straight with my sisters and Carver too. I couldn't pretend that I wasn't at fault in any way. I had to do the right thing and make it right. I knew I had to apologize to everyone,
why couldn't I ever do the right thing?


Okay? That was hot and heated. Melanie and her tales(laughs) we can never get enough.

AWKwARD¯\_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯

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