CHAPTER 21• ᴥ•̥

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<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CHAPTER 21<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TRY OUTS 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


If you've read up until this moment, I want to appreciate you for sticking with me(ʘᴗʘ✿)
I almost didn't want to update because the last chapters have no reads at all•́  ‿ ,•̀ but I'm not stopping either way. Hehehe Ó╭╮Ò

I don't know if anyone will end up reading this chapter besides me, but if you see this. I wanna say I REALLY LOVE YOU༎ຶ‿༎ຶ and if you like it/this.  Please tell your friend(s) to read Broken. Thank you.(・ัω・ั)

I don't wanna make this story cliche like. In the first five-ten chapters.

He saw her pain
She understood his hurt

He kissed her pain away
She wrapped her arms around him, shielding him from the misery.

.... That's coming, but not now. I want you guys to fully understand and watch my characters grow. There's no love at first sight here, except for Melanie's love at first sight (YES! SPOILER ALERT!!) so you'll have to watch them develop the feels.

Cliche stories are cute affff..... Btw I read them. Haha.

Ariana; I thought we weren't gonna update till we were sure people are reading.

Tori: That's not possible Hun, we literally have no readers right now.

Lucas: *snorts.*

Eva: Lucas!

Lucas: what?

Tori: no Eva it's okay *sniffs.*

Carver: Ya think?

Tori: WAAAAHHHHH!! I DON'T KNOW. *runs away crying.*


"You coming or not?" Melanie spun around to face me. She strained her eyes" Ariana, you coming or not?" She asked again.

"Let's go." I replied her upset.

"You know? It's not fair that you're upset because sometimes you also get to bully me, and you don't see me complaining about that." Melanie said.

"I don't bully you. I'd never be that callous."

"I was joking."

"I know." I smiled at my best friend.

"But we do. We bully each other in a friendly manner." She smiled back.

"I guess so."

"Yeah. Cause like what's a friendship without a lil bit of fun bullying, like the teasing, annoying and other stuff, but in the end we understand it's just for fun, and that we love each other so much. Right?"

"Right." I nodded. We took the stairs to the library. I remember in middle school we were almost banned from the library because of Selena, and one time when I let out a terrible scream on April fools cause of Melanie's silly "rat in a bag prank."

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