Chapter 4

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| La Llorona- Chavela Vargas |

The sound of the typewriter can be heard inside the three teens' dorm room. Wednesday was the only person inside and who is also the one who was using the typewriter.

He was focused on his task while soft and slow music was playing. All things are perfect, he's alone, doing his own thing, listening to music, but,

The previous argument he had with the girl keeps bothering him and distracting him, a lot.

He freezes for a second when the scene replays in his mind, he doesn't know why it's bothering him. Usually, he doesn't give a single sweat after upsetting someone.

But with her, he's completely bothered. But instead of admitting that he was, he just shrugged it out and tries to continue his work.

When he was able to give his focus back to his task, he heard a squeaking sound from his bed.

He stops what he was doing as he slowly looks at his bed. He stood up from his seat and he walks towards his bed. He then quickly tosses his blanket to the side.

Inside the blanket was a hand, full of stitches. "I knew it. Hello, Thing." Said Wednesday.

Thing panicky runs back inside the blanket to hide from the boy, but Wednesday was quicker as he tries to take Thing from his grip on the bed frame.

When Wednesday successfully grab Thing in his hands, he looks at Thing with dead eyes. "Did you think my highly trained olfactory sense wouldn't pick up on the faint whiff of neroli and bergamot in your favourite hand lotion?"

He said while walking back to his table and struggling to keep Thing in his hand still. "I can do this all day," Wednesday said as he slams Thing on the table.

Thing trembles on the tables while he struggles to get out of the boy's grip. "Surrender?" Wednesday asks the hand. Thing immediately taps the table frantically.

Wednesday releases Thing and sat back down in his chair. Thing freely stands with his fingers. Wednesday fixes the lamp of the table to Thing.

"Did you see everything that happened?" He carefully asked. He was hoping for a 'no', but Thing said otherwise as he carefully nods his wrist.

"Mother and Father sent you to spy on me, didn't they?" Wednesday asks Thing. His suspicion was always true. Though the hand waved his index finger, indicating a 'no'.

Wednesday did not buy the lie that he was receiving. "I'm not above breaking a few fingers." He threatens the hand as Thing squirms a little.

"The fact that they thought I wouldn't find out proves how much they underestimate me." The boy stated. Thing suddenly does many hand signs.

"Oh, Thing, you poor, naive appendage." He said in his sultry voice. Then changes back into his cold ones, "My parents aren't worried about me."

Thing stops with his hand signs and lets the boy speaks. "They're evil puppeteers who want to pull my strings even from afar." Said Wednesday.

"The way I see it, you have two options. Option one," Wednesday suddenly grabbed Thing and opened his table drawer. "I lock you in here for the rest of the semester."

He slowly threatens Thing into putting him inside the drawer. "And you go slowly insane trying to claw your way out," Thing claws his fingers on the table, trying not to be inside the drawer.

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