Chapter 13

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The Poe Cup finally came, and it was also the day for Wednesday's plan. Y/n and Enid included, of course.

Wednesday walks his way to where the two girls are waiting for him, walking past Bianca on his way. The girl gave him sly eyes when he wasn't looking.

Y/n and Enid stood up from their seats when Wednesday reached beside them. The blonde girl leaned closer to mumble. "We're all set."

"Good. Thing's in position." Wednesday said.

"Wanna tell us what you two were up to all night?" Y/n taunted with a splash of a smirk on her lips and sneaky eyes at him.

Wednesday looks back into hers. "And spoil the surprise?" he teases back.

"I do love surprises," she muttered, and there was a teasing tone.

Enid shifts her eyes between the two with a knowing smile on her face that she's trying hard not to show.

She knows if she did, she would receive deadly eyes from Y/n. All she did was watch the tension between her two friends.

It was a tension that is far from the tension Wednesday and Xavier always have. It was more of the... Opposite.

After seconds of watching the two, Enid had enough as she eventually get sick of it in a mix of jealousy and envy. "Speaking of surprises, your costumes are in the tent," she mentioned to the two of them.

While Y/n was unbothered, the boy had the opposite reaction. He gave this looks full of horror. "Costume?" he questioned as Enid nods excitedly in response.


Y/n got out of the tent with her black cat costume on. Her face was all straight and unfazed.

It was obvious on her face that she was screaming for help as she feels the tight costume hugging her body. Plus the cat ears.

The only thing she liked was the red lipstick with black upward corners and smokey cat eye makeup.

At this moment, she's been thinking about her decisions in life, but at the same time, she would finally prevent Bianca from taking the lead.

"omg, you look perfect as always!" Enid compliments her. She was full-on with her costumes.

"wait, where are your whiskers?" she noticed the missing piece on Y/n's face.

It only takes a few seconds looks from her to get the answer. "Or not. That will do."  Enid considered, not losing her sunshine personality.

Y/n mentally sigh in relief but remains unfazed about it. To be fair, She would do it only if Enid begs her for it. She could never resist her.

But at the same time, she was thankful Enid let it slide.


At the other corner, amid the crowd, eyes were watching the two girls from afar.

Ones with dark brown, ones with hazel green.

Both boys are beside each other. One's crossing his arms, one's with his hands in his pockets.

They never actually mind or acknowledge anyone or anything else, their focus was on Y/n who was talking to Enid.

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