Chapter 12

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Kinda short, sorry.

But don't worry, this consists of a part where it explains the further storyline.


After many attempts of convincing the girl, Wednesday thanked her when she finally agreed to his plan. Not that he normally thanked someone, but he did when it was her.

Wednesday planned to sneak into Xavier and Rowan's room at night. They must find any sign of the book before Xavier could catch them.

Of course, Y/n suggested just talking to Xavier and distracting him inside his dorm while Wednesday sneaks in to find the book, but the boy insisted.

He said his plan was better. But the truth is, he just doesn't like her idea of being close to Xavier. But obviously, he didn't tell her that.

When the two teens found a perfect time to sneak in; it was the time Xavier went to their bathroom to change clothes, they went inside with thing and Raven with them.

Thing stands on the table, while Raven stands on the other side of the table.

"That purple book has to be around here somewhere." Wednesday started, and then he looks at Thing on his right side. "Start investigating."

From that, Thing jumps from the table to the floor, and Wednesday moves to Rowan's side of the room.

Y/n looks at Raven on her left side and points her index to Rowan's cabinet. Raven didn't make any noise at he just flew to where he was appointed at.

At the same time, Y/n followed Wednesday when her eyes landed on him flipping papers on Xavier's desk.

It was nothing important as to what they thought. It was just a fool of his artwork and drawings. Not until they had seen a drawing of Y/n.

Wednesday stopped and observed the drawing. It made him knit his brows, same goes for Y/n.

He subtly looked at her with a questioning look. Her only response is also a look of confusion.

By that, Wednesday thinks more to get the girl away from the older teen.

Right from what Y/n's eyes were observing, his eyes were full of daggers that even he can't explain.

Y/n raises her brows at him, non-verbally telling him to continue finding since they're already wasting time.

Wednesday was about to protest but he knows she was right. Therefore, he didn't say anything and just bring out his blue light and turns it on.

They move to Rowan's bed, Y/n turns off the light as Wednesday points his blue light at Rowan's empty bed.

On the other side, Thing and Raven continuously find the book on the two standing cabinets.

Wednesday didn't find my handprints or even a fingerprint, so he kneels and looks down at the bed.

Wednesday points his blue light under the bed. At the same time, Y/n kneels beside him and also observes the fingerprints on the floor.

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