Chapter 30

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Two teens and two couples are inside Weems office.

Victoria sits on a couch on the left side, holding a yearbook, while Hilton stands beside the couch she was sitting on. Hilton's also resting his arm on the back of the couch. Y/n standing behind them.

On the other side, on another couch, Gomez is standing beside the empty couch since Morticia was standing in front of Weems' table while holding another yearbook.

Just like Y/n, Wednesday stands behind his parents.

"Our old yearbook." Morticia slightly exclaims as she looks at the yearbook in her hands. "I haven't laid eyes on this in over 20 years." she opens the book and looks inside.

On the other chair, Victoria smiles at the sight of the other copy of the same yearbook in her hands. "it truly is nostalgic, seeing these photos." she softly said.

While Victoria adores the photos in the yearbook, Hilton looks down on his wife with an adoring smile on his face.

Morticia nods in silent response while still looking at the yearbook. "such good times we had, didn't we, Larissa?" she said as she looks at Weems with a smile.

Weems squinted her brows a little at the first second then change it into a smile. "some of us better than others." (I honestly don't get what she meant)

Victoria softly chuckled and smile genuinely at Weems. "Oh, don't be so modest! Larissa. You used to fill the rooms with your presence. Still. I'm sure." her voice was almost as smooth as butter and as soft as cotton.

Weems smiled at Victoria. A genuine smile. While the interaction was ongoing, the two teens are quietly observing and watching.

"Like a stately sequoia tree,"  Morticia added to Victoria's compliment while she travel her eyes along the pages. Gomez wines mockingly.

Weems and Victoria's smile slightly faded. Victoria frowns a little while Weems scowls slightly. "And I guess that would make you the lumberjack," Weems stated with a smiley face.

Morticia looks at her with a smile and laughs. "There's that biting sense of humour that I always adore." her words put a hesitant smile on Victoria's lips.

"Do you remember when we did that duet for the Solstice Talent Show? Your Judy Garland impression was a dead ringer." Morticia compliments Weems to which the white-haired woman smiles.

Meanwhile, at the back, Wednesday slightly frowns. "Sounds positively suicidal," he mumbled.

Morticia flips the page and furrows her brows in confusion as she sees the ripped-off page. "Oh. My picture's gone," she said.

Victoria frowns and opens the yearbook in her hand to find a specific picture or page that was missing on the yearbook in Morticia's hands. She also found a ripped page. "In this copy too."

"Really? Well, that is odd." Weems said in a confused tone. Morticia didn't make a fuss about it and just gives a slight smile.

Then, Morticia thought of an idea. "May I borrow this for the weekend?" she turns to look at her husband. "That way Gomez and I can take a little walk down memory lane."

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