Chapter 17

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| Beginning of episode 3 |


'let's assess, shall we?' starts Wednesday's voice. 'bag over my head for optimal disorientation,'

Two people lifted the bag from Wednesday and Y/n's head. The boy was having a deadpan face, while the girl have a neutral one. She gave up at this point.

She already had a clue right from the first second when they got their heads covered in bags.

'wrists tied tight enough to cut off circulation, and no idea if I'm going to live or die.' Wednesday glanced at the tied girl on his left.

He shifted his gaze at the people wearing cloaks and a mask in front of them, while the bright light blinds their eyes as shadows and sounds of birds came from the light.

'it's definitely my kind of party.'

Suddenly, a mysterious voice spoke up. "Who dares breach our inner sanctum." the voice said.

"you can take the mask off, Bianca." Wednesday quickly ordered. The person with the mysterious voice from earlier took off her mask and shows Bianca Barclay.

The other cloaked and masked people took off their masks and pulls down their hoods.

'and just like that, my hope we're dashed against the rocks of bitter disappointment.'

Bianca turned off the light in annoyance. 'my Foe was no psychotic killer.' Wednesday said in his head as he was now facing all the people he knows.

'more like a bunch of high school clowns.' he added an insult.

"Wait, I preferred you with it on." he mocked. Bianca gave him a look of a sarcastic smile and a sassy look.

"How did you get down here?" Xavier asked Wednesday, not bothering to add Y/n to the question.

"Rowan showed me." he glances down. "left pocket," he added. Xavier steps forward and checks the mentioned paper.

He opens up the paper, revealing a drawing of Wednesday, standing before the burning building. "I tracked the watermark to the Poe Statue. Then I solved the riddle." Wednesday simply elaborated.

"Wait, there's a riddle?" asked a middle-length-haired siren guy, Bianca's friend. He looks around at his co-member in genuine confusion. "I thought we just snapped twice?" he dumbly asked.

This made everyone inside the room let out a tired sigh, Yoko shaking her head, and eye rolls from Divina. Even Y/n.

"Well, aren't you the brightest in the bunch?" Wednesday mockingly asked. It made the boy with the long hair–kent, go speechless.

Ajax decided to open his mouth. Usually, Y/n don't mind him talking nonstop. But this one, she wants to shut him up a little. "Nah. It's Y/n." a smile on his lips.

Wednesday knit his brows at Rowan, while Y/n widens her eyes and rolled them after a second. She completely gave up at this point.

Luckily- "The nightshades are an elite social club." Bianca interrupts. "Emphasis on elite," she added.

Then Yoko's turn to explain, She finally removed her sunglasses due to the lack of sun inside the library. "We have group parties, campouts, the occasional midnight skinny dip," she said proudly tells.

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