Chapter 3 : The Power Of Electro

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Kunikuzushi has opened up to Barbatos as a parent figure. Though he would never tell him that. Right after leaving Inazuma he has gained an Anemo vision. Barbatos was happy to teach him about some techniques.

He was training his vision with the past lessons that he and Barbatos had the past couple weeks and he is starting to see the improvement. He was pleased but not proud.

" Kunikuzushi, will you come with me to Liyue? It has been quite a while since I last see Morax and train Xiao." Said Barbatos. " Of course Moth- MASTER. I will come with you to Liyue."

Barbatos giggled and continues to brush  Kunikuzushi's long hair. Kunikuzushi asked if his long hair is going to bother the training and if he should cut it. Of course, Barbatos told him to do whatever he wants with his hair and he decided to keep it.

After Barbatos finished with his hair, he told him that it would be better for him to tie such long hair. " I will be leaving now. If you want to find me for anything I will be in Stormterror's Lair." He said before exiting the domain he has given to Kuni.

Kunikuzushi looked at himself in the pond while tying his hair up as recommended by his Moth- Master.
He would be soon meeting the Lord of Geo. His Master's lover.

He has heard stories about the Geo archon. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. Unlike his Master, the Geo archon is a god who has participated in the archon war. He must have sealed at least 2000 gods.

He was also nervous to be meeting Xiao, His Master's first student. Legend has it that the Yaksha is powerful enough to kill some gods back in the war. Though Kuni knows he himself is very powerful. He doubts his strength matches with the Yaksha.

He doesn't want any trouble with them.
So he must be on his best behavior. "Sooner or later I need to meet the Four Winds as well. No wonder Mondstadt is a peaceful country. No one dares to mess with a Celestial creature and a past god. I guess the bird counts as well." Kuni sighed.

He heard someone enter his domain. He knows it's not Master Barbatos. His Master always send a gust of wind as a sign he is visiting soon. He grabbed his weapon and went to the entrance of his domain.

As he was near he summoned his weapon and get ready to attack whoever dares to enter his domain without permission. When he arrived at the entrance he looked around to see a kid trembling. And he was hurt.

" Are you ok? What happened? Why are you injured?" He asked the child. The child sobbed and said. " I was c-collecting flowers for mommy. Mommy said she will come b-back to pick me up. *Sniff* until an Abyss mage a-appeared and attacked me and mommy.*Sniff*" Mommy told me to run and get hel- help. When I ran I tripped and found this place with a door. I thought that someone can help m-me and mommy."

Kuni has heard enough. He was enraged that this Abyss mage attacked such an innocent child and a mother. He told the child that he could help and to ask him to take him there. The child was happy to get help. Kuni carried him and the child guided him to the location of this Abyss mage

When he arrived he was met with a sign of an injured woman tied up in a circle while the abyss mage was dancing. ' It seems like that mage is doing a ritual. ' Kuni thought. This enraged him much more.

He put the child down ant told him that he will be back. The child nodded and hid behind a rock. Kuni went to the Abyss mage and said " Don't you know it's rude to enter someone's property and do something illegal?! " The Abyss mage looked at him and created an elemental shield.

Kuni still hasn't mastered the power of Anemo so he decided to use his original powers and struck this mage. He closes his eyes and suddenly the sky turned purple and thunder starts to strike. The mage looked around confused. Then Kuni sprinted to the woman and covered her until a powerful lightning strike the abyss mage.

After the lightning strike the mage, Kuni looked up and see that mage's dead body. Kunis stands up and walked to the mage. He wanted to make sure it was really dead before sending the mother and child to Mondstadt city.

Once he knows the mage was dead, he stands up and muttered "weak". He turned around to see the child hugging his mother. He went to the small family and began to speak " Ma'am you are terribly injured and weak. I will take both you and your child to the city to heal you." The mother looked at him and began thanking him a million times.

Kuni gave her a simple smile before teleporting them in front of the cathedral. He knocked and was greeted with sisters who looked worried after seeing the mother and child. After leaving the mother and child in their care he walked down the stairs to be met with his Master in a bard disguise.

"Master-" he was cut off with a finger on his mouth. Barbatos looked at him and said " let's chat at your domain. ". Barbatos gave him a smile. They both arrived at Kuni's domain and entered. Barbatos changed into his divine look and patted Kuni's head. "I'm proud of you Kunikuzushi."

Kuni smiled at those words. Words he once wanted to hear from his creator. Kuni asked " You were there Master? I didn't see you around." Barbatos stopped patting his head and said " I was concerned when the sky turned dark purple and thought a god with electro abilities was getting ready to attack. Turned out it was just you saving a mother and child."

"Now then, you must get ready. We will be training with Xiao tomorrow in Liyue. Perhaps you both can change tactics with each other." Said Barbatos. Kuni looked at Barbatos and nodded. Barbatos then asked " Oh and by the way, why was Vennessa crying to me and saying you called her a bird?"

Kuni just chuckled and shook his head saying " I didn't know she could hear outside of domains." Barbatos laughed as well. "You should get some rest now. We have to go to Liyue tomorrow. Don't forget." Kuni said "yes Master I won't forget." Barbatos soon left after Kuni went to sleep.


Yep one strike from scara equals instant death. And I'm so sorry I updated later than usual.

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