Chapter 22: Vision

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His eyes flutter open as he could feel just how cold his body is. Where was he? He sat up and rubbed his head. His head hurts!

He looked around. It was empty. Where was his children? Are they safe? Is Mondstadt safe?

Why was he laying in a river?

He stood up, his legs feeling like jelly from not walking for so long. How long has it been? 2 years? 20 years?

200 years?

He walked over to the rock and leaned onto it. He felt exhausted just after taking a few steps.... is it normal to be weak after waking up?

What happened for him to suddenly wake up out of the blue?

He spread his wings and fly to the door and opened it. What he was greeted with was horrifying.

Mondstadt is destroyed.

What happened?

Where was Kunikuzushi?



Where are they?

Where are his children?!

He spread out his wings once more and ascended into the sky. This place looks like a ruin...

It looks like Khaenri'ah...

He landed on one of the mountains. He walked around in horror. The ground... the trees... the stones walls... it all had claw marks on them..

What happened when he was gone?!

He spotted something stuck on the tree. Or more specifically stabbed into the tree.

He walked closer to it and his eyes widened. It was Kazuha's sword!

He covers his mouth when a gasp was about to escape him. He grabbed the sword and pulled it out. He inspected the sword in his hand. It was broken in half. And it has blood on it.

He puts the sword away and once again spreading his wings and fly to another area.

He landed once again. This time, there was no scratches... but everything here seems to have been punched by a beast.

It was destroyed to oblivion!

His eyes wanders until he set his eyes on a hand.

Who's hand was it? Who got their hand ripped off?

He walked to the hand on the rock and almost shed tears of guilt.

It was a puppet's hand.

It was Kunikuzushi's hand.

He made a bubble out of thin air and put the delicate hand inside and putting it away.

Next, he visited the Mondstadt city.

Which is now probably called the Mondstadt ruins?

He walked up the stairs. Blood was everywhere. He couldn't see anyone. Alive that is. All there was are dead bodies.

He body stiffened up when he saw a familiar body under the rubbles.


He started panting. What was going on? What is happening? Heizou is dead? Where are Kunikushi and Kazuha?

He leaned onto the wall while he was still panting heavily, possibly having a panic attack.

My children...


Kuni immediately sat up, panting. What was that? A nightmare? He never had nightmares before!

He looked around. This wasn't his domain... where was he?

He could feel a strong pair of arms wrapping themselves on his waist.

"What are you doing awake, babe?" A groggy voice asked.

Oh, that's right... Childe came to visit.

He was in the hotel Childe was staying at. Phew! For some reason he thought he was kidnapped.

"Nothing..." he answered. Childe pulled him back into the bed. "Then go back to sleep" he said while ruffling his hair on Kuni's hair.

Kuni chuckled and patted Childe's head. He could feel Childe dozing off and just a minute later, he could feel Childe's soft breathing blowing on his head.

He couldn't help but think about his dream. What was that? He had never dream before, why now? Oh well, he'll ask mother once he is awake.

He really does need sleep. After all...

They did went 6 rounds.
I just lost 5050 on Hu Tao banner and got Dehya 🥲 that's ok. I'm guaranteed for Raiden now. anyone kind enough to buy me genesis crystal? Just kidding. I WILL HAVE RAIDEN RAHHHHH

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