Chapter 25: The Ancient Ruin II

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"Master, we have a question. It's been on our mind for quite some time now." Heizou looked up at Barbatos.

"Oh? Ask away, my dear" He smiled.

"Well, there's this unknown ruin... It's in a cave. It's like a castle" Kuni said, demonstrating what the castle looked like.

Barbatos tensed after what he heard the description of the palace. "Well, we were wondering... Do you know anything about it?"

"No, I don't. But I must warn you. You mustn't go anywhere near it. This is an order from your archon!" His tone changed.

The three of them flinched. Never had he given them such a harsh order with a raised tone.

"Sorry, my children. I can't let you get hurt. Especially at some ruin I have absolutely no idea about." He shook his head.

"Anyway, I must go now. Remember what I told you. Don't. Go. Near." And right after saying that, he teleported using his divine powers.

Heizou looked at both of his friends. Kuni shook his head, already know about what he was going to do.


"Heizou, you know we can't go into this ruin. Master strictly forbid it as it is very dangerous." Kuni said. Heizou ignored him and entered the said ruin, Kazuha soon following behind him trying to make him stop. 'and there he goes again not caring about our warnings' Kuni thought to himself. He entered the ruins to join his friends.

All three of them looked around at the ancient ruin. It was at least 3,000 years old. "What happened to this place for it to be this destroyed?" Heizou asked to himself. Kuni looked at him, "the archon war happened, it wouldn't look so terrible if it wasn't." He said and Heizou nodded.

They soon arrived at an entrance to an abandoned palace. "Woah, since when did Mondstadt has a castle?" Kazuha asked, looking at Kuni seemingly he was the oldest and most knowledgeable in the group. Kuni stared at the huge palace. "I don't know...... Master never said anything about a palace other then Decarabian's tower." Heizou put his hands under his chin in a thinking way, "if even Master has no idea of this palace, it's possible that this ruin is build before the God of storms reign." Kazuha shake his head, "No I'm sure Master Barbatos knows the whereabouts of this place, if he doesn't he wouldn't have forbid us from exploring this ruin." He said, "Which is exactly why we should get out of here, come on let's go back to my domain" Kuni said, grabbing Heizou's arm.

Heizou stopped "Don't you wanna know about the history of this place? Who built it? How old it is and so on?" He asked looking at Kuni. Kuni stopped walking, he turned around "I kinda do wanna know about the origins of this place....." He said hesitantly. Heizou smiled, grabbed Kazuha's arm and walked through the grand entrance. They were greeted with two fancy staircase two other entrances and a lot of bookshelves. They walked around, seemingly interested about this ancient palace.

Kazuha looked walked to the nearest entrance "there's a staircase here leading downward." He said. Both Kuni and Heizou looked and walked towards him "do we go down?" Kuni asked, Heizou just grabbed both of their arms again "Heck yeah we are, imagine all the unanswered mysteries we could find." Heizou started walking with Kuni and Kazuha following behind. They continued to walk until they arrived at a huge library. "A library? Why would they put it underground?" Heizou whispered getting no response from his friends. All three of them looked around "this place sure is old, look at all the dust" Kazuha said.

Heizou took one of the books and started flipping the page, trying to read the words. "Kuni, I don't at all recognize these words, do you know what they are?" He asked his friend, Kuni walked towards him and looked at the book "these are the ancient language of Mondstadt, used around 6,000 years ago and was forgotten after Master became the archon" he stated. Kazuha, suddenly interested in their conversation went over to them and looked at the book Heizou is holding. "So this means this place was built at least 6,000 years ago if the books are this old." He said. Heizou nodded and went to grab another one and discussing something with Kuni.

Kazuha looked over at the bookshelves and notice a different looking book that's made out of metal. He reached to it and pulled it, suddenly a bookshelf opened itself, and a staircase leading downward was open. Both Kuni and Heizou stopped whatever they were talking about and looked at the secret door then at Kazuha. "What did you do?" Kuni asked. Kazuha just looked at them with wide eyes and explained what happened. Heizou looked excited while Kuni is having second doubts. "Maybe we shouldn't go down there" he said. Heizou looked at him with a pleading look "pleeassseeeee can we go? If we do I'll treat you with sweets not even that ginger could buy or make" he pleaded. Kuni hesitated for while until he gave in "fine, but you better keep that promise" he said while walking down. Heizou lit up and promised.

All three of them started walking down untill the reached the bottom. It was really dark, the couldn't see a thing. Kuni touched something attached to the wall. It felt like.... A torch? He told his friends to find two rocks and they started looking for a rock each. After the find 1 rock each they gave it to Kuni he started scratching it together until it lit a fire. He took the torch and pointed towards the front. It was a tunnel? Why does it have a tunnel? What was the previous owner hiding? Heizou looked down and noticed some symbols he didn't recognize. "Hey, there's some symbols here" he said. Kazuha and Kuni looked down when Kuni gasped out loud.

Heizou and Kazuha looked at him with a confused look. "Those aren't symbols....... They're the forbidden language. Created alongside the forbidden knowledge. It was banned over 12,000 years ago to humans and only the three gods of wisdom knows how to use the forbidden knowledge and language." He said. Both of his friends looked at him in shock "isn't it originally from Sumeru?! How is it here?!" Kazuha asked. They both were thinking of the possibilities on how the previous owner of the palace would know of the forbidden knowledge until they suddenly hear a loud noise coming from the long dark tunnel.

Sorry, had to create my own lore for this. Hehe, anyway. IM SO EXCITED FOR RAIDEN BANNER! I got 84 wishes saved up, at 7 pity and guaranteed! Yippee!!

Sorry I haven't been updating, I was focusing on my chiscara book. First time I wrote smut ngl. It was bad. I really had no idea what to write when the smut part came.

Anyway hey! Hello! How are you guys? Im fine if anyone's asking! I dropped the trio and giving my friend the charm necklace. It's meaningless to me now anyway.

Hope you all won your 5050! And if you're having a tough time, just remember, I'm here to hear your vents. Bye!

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