Chapter 30: Unexpected Guest

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"What do you mean every month?!" Kuni asked horrified. Do women really go through stomach cramps every month?!

"I mean every month. I feel sorry for them, really but eh, what can I do?" Heizou shrugged. Currently, Heizou is teaching Kuni about every woman's best friend that comes by every month.

Kazuha was sitting on the ground with Kabukimeow on his shoulder, laughing at Kuni's horrified face.

"Do they not die if they lose that much blood every month?" Kuni asked, looking at them both for an answer.

"No, they don't. At least as far as I know." Kazuha gave Kuni's leg a little pat.

Heizou nodded. He's sure Kuni doesn't know a lot of things about humans since he's a puppet. Wait, does Kazuha know he's a puppet?

"I don't want to know about this anymore! Teach me something else!" Kuni shook his head as he tried to wipe those thoughts away.

Kazuha laughed and tumbled down on the floor, making Kabukimeow hissed and fell in the water. "Kabuki! NOOOO!" Kazuha immediately jumped into the water to get the sinking cat.

Heizou and Kuni just stared at the spot and laughed together. "Poor Kabukimeow. Maybe we should seperate the two." Heizou suggested and Kuni nodded.

Kazuha soon emerged from the water with his hair covering his face and dropped Kabukimeow on the platform. Kabukimeow shook his body quickly, getting rid of the water.

Then Kabukimeow looked towards Kuni and did a squat. Kuni who recognized it immediately looked horrified. "No! Kabuki! You're still-" the cat jumped up on his lap. "Wet...."

Heizou laughed at him which earned him a glare from the puppet. Soon he shut his mouth becase he didn't want to be thrown into the water.

"It's been a while since we've seen master, eh? How about we pay him a visit?" Kazuha who is now drying his hair with his Anemo vision asked.

Heizou lit up at the idea. "That's a great idea! We should go!"

Kuni rasied and eyebrow as he lifted Kabukimeow from his lap and created a small anemo ball in his palms to dry the cat.

"But he's busy, isn't he?" He asked confused. Kazuha put a hand to his chin, in a thinking position kinda.

"Shut up and let's go!" Heizou pulled Kuni up from his seat but didn't notice the small rock behind his fead and he fell down into the water.

And since his hand is still holidng Kuni's clothes...he stumbled in as well. "HEIZOU-!"

"AH! You guys!" Kazuha yelped. Soon Heizou emerged from the water, followd by kuni, glaring at him. He chuckled nervously. "Hehe... Oops?"

Barbatos's gaze didn't falter at the figure. "Why are you here?" He asked quite harshly.

The woman sighed. "I would've thought you would have it for me ready to go, Barbatos. Why are you so keen on not giving it to me?"

Barbatos glared at the woman. "Because you have no rights to come into my nation without permission and demanding it."

The woman sighed. "Of all people, I hadn't expected you to be the one who took it. But no matter, I'm here and I want it back."


The woman glared. "No? What do you mean no?"

Barbatos glared at the woman. "I mean no. I am not giving it back." The woman was furious. "You have no rights to tell me no! It was mine in the first place!"

"You abandoned him! Did you know how much pain you inflicted on him! How hurt he was thinking you betrayed him!"

"That was not my intention! I wanted it to be free!" The woman tried to defend herself. "You could've at least given him a name, Beelzebul." Barbatos said.

"That boy only wanted a mother. And if you won't be the one to be his mother, I will. I love that boy as if he was my own son."

Beelzebul gritted her teeth. "Stupid bard... You took it from my homeland and claiming it as your own! You've got a lot of nerves-"

"Master! We came to visit!" A cheery voice interrupted the woman. Kuni smiled behind Heizou but froze as soon as he saw the othsr figure in the room.


Short chapter cuz I got Furina on a one pull YIPPEEEEEE anyway life update!

So how are y'all doing? Im doing fine but stressed as ever. Assignments here and assignments there bla bla bla

Anyway, hope you guys are doing fine and alive. Hope you all won your 5050! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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