Chapter 17: The Statue of Barbatos

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He coughed again and again. No sign of it stopping soon. Just right after the hang out with his children, he has been coughing off these shards of time. He couldn't figure out why. The latest shards shows him laughing while Teyvat was being destroyed.

After so much coughing, the shards finally finished coming out. He looked into his hands to see what Istaroth was showing him this time. One of his statues. But it's not a normal Statue of the seven.

He decided to pay Kuni a little visit. He knew the three friends would always hang out there. They just seem to have decide that is where they'll be staying. No idea what the point of giving their domain to them, they basically live in Kuni's domain.

He landed as gracefully as ever and walked into the domain with ease. He was met with a familiar waterfall behind a floating island. All the way form this distance he could hear laughing.

He walked up the path. As he was about to reach the top, he could hear another laugh from Heizou "oh come on, it can't be that bad.." he said. Kazuha lifted his face to look at Heizou.

"You know well I can't swim, and I wanted that leaf so badly" he said. Kuni sighed. "Of course, you being you just wanted that leaf because it looks weird..." He said.

"What are you children talking about?" Barbatos asked. The three friends looked at their master at the same time and Barbatos swore it was like they are triplets.

"Oh hello Master, we were just talking about how this Canadian flag stupidly fell into the water while following a leaf" Kuni said pointing to the 'flag' in question.

"Again, what is a Canadian?" He asked again. Kuni averted his gaze "nothing" was what he replied.

Barbatos chuckled. Ah, his children never fail to make him laugh.

Heizou started to laugh again. "Even Master thinks this is funny!" He laughed, pointing to Kazuha wile he wiped a tear. Kazuha clutched his heart dramatically.

"The betrayal.... Bleugh" he pretended to faint on the table. "Oh, don't be dramatic, get your stupid head off the table!" Kuni scolded him.

Kazuha did as he was told.

"I came here to give you all a task..." Barbatos said as he took a seat next to Heizou. Kuni put a hand on his cheek. "And what is that?" He asked.

"Well, as you three know I have been coughing non stop lately.." everyone nodded. They knew that he has been coughing. But they didn't know that it was so bad he was coughing out shards.

"Is there anything you want us to get from a far away land?" Heizou asked.

Barbatos shook his head "No, no I don't need you to.... Actually yeah it's kinda like that." He changed his mind.

"Oh is that so? Where do you want us to go?" Kuni asked.

Barbatos was quiet for a while. "I want all three of to go to- ACHOO!!!" he suddenly sneezed.

Kuni pulled back a little. Kazuha turned so quickly he might've snapped his neck and Heizou has his mouth wide opened. Barbatos looked around for a moment. "Is there a cat here?" He asked.

Suddenly a cat climbed up Barbatos's lap and meowed. Barbatos instead of coughing, is now sneezing. The cat rubbed itself on his lap.

"Kabukimeow no!" Kazuha scolded the poor kitten. He tore away the kitten from his Master and walked away to put it somewhere else. The cat meowed on the way. Barbatos grabbed a tissue and wiped his nose.

"I never knew you had a cat Kuni." He said. Kuni shook his head "it's not mine. It's Kazuha's. I just let it be because it's cute." He explained.

"I see.." Kazuha then returned without a cat in his hands. "You can continue Master" he said while sitting down. Barbatos

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