Chapter 29: Storytime!

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Kunikuzushi tapped his fingers on the stone table. Seriously? After all those years, she decided she wanted him back? Not even a he! But an it!

What kind of mother is she. "Well, you look deep in thought." Heizou said, sitting next to him with some sweets.

Kuni shook his head and grabbed one of them, biting into it. "Thanks, I could really use some stress reliever."

Heizou hummed. "You know you could try drinking alcohol once in a while. They're GREAT at making people forget stress."

Kuni rolled his eyes. "You know damn well I prefer not to take alcohol."

"Why not? It'll make you feel better!" Heizou insisted but was met with a shook of head from Kuni.

All Heizou could do was sit with him to give him company. It was awkward since he was just sitting there while Kuni devoured all the sweets.

Kunikuzushi is biting and swallowing all the pieces of sweets fast. Clearly meaning that he's stressed, angry and feeling strong emotions he doesn't want to feel.

Kuni swallowed the food and stayed quiet. Only for a short while though because soon he started talking to Heizou.

"Hey, what would you do if suddenly your mother who abandoned you your whole life suddenly wants you back?" He asked with a quiet voice.

Heizou let his head rest in his palm. Weird question. "How long are we talking?"

"Long enough for that someone to finally feel loved and at home."

Heizou thought for a moment. This is a hard question, he'll admit. "I can't exactly say since I've never been in the scenario. But if it was me, I'll probably say fuck you."

Kuni chuckled. Heizou and Kazuha hadn't know he was not human. Or maybe they knew but didn't exactly know what he is.

"Heizou, let me tell you a story, yeah?" Kuni turned to him. Heizou looked tired.

"If this is about Childe, I beg you, please spare me." He said in a tired tone. Kuni glared at him.

"It isn't about Childe. Shut up and listen!" He pinched Heizou's arm and let himself be filled with satisfaction after Heizou let out a pained yelp.

"Yeah, yeah." Heizou rubbed the place where he was pinched with a frown.

Kuni took a deep breath before speaking. "Once, there was a god who created a puppet to take on her role as ruler so she could rest in her humble abode."

"She created a prototype puppet before her official one, wanting to know if there are some imperfections in her skills."

"The puppet was frail, and gentle..... And so human like. Then one night, the puppet randomly started shedding tears in its sleep."

"She thought of it as a failure and abandoned it in a domain with no purpose or a name. Just a singular golden feather."

"The puppet stayed in its domain, not knowing what its pupose was. So he stayed there for a century until someone finally found him, sitting there with nothing to do."

"The person brought the puppet to a swordsmith village at Tatarasuna. There, the puppet finally thought he had a purpose. A place to call home."

"But the peace was not to last. Niwa, a swordsmith that the puppet was very fond of, had murdered someone to escape his own crime, leaving the people of Tatarasuna to suffer in their misfortune."

"The puppet felt betrayed. He had went to ask the god for help, but his own creator had no desire to help him."

"The puppet was enraged. By his creator and Niwa. So he left the village and wandered."

"Then, he met someone just like him. A hope for the future, a fledgling barely out of the nest."

"The child had promised to stay with him forever. But the child was ill and doon met his demise. Once again, the puppet was betrayed."

"That was until another god, so loving and gentle came to the burning house to find the puppet in the woods, shedding tears."

"The god offered a new home, one that didn't need to be feared to be left alone. The puppet followed the god and finally had his happiness. There, he made new friends and family."

"Until the wretched god, his creator, sent a letter asking for the puppet back." Kuni stared into the water.

Heizou stayed quiet. Not wanting to interrupt. But Kuni was quiet for a long time so he assumes the story's finished.

"Quite the story you have there." Heizou's word brought him back to daylight.

Kuni just nodded. "It's your story, isn't it Kuni?"

And again, Kuni nodded. Heizou got closer. "I can't say I understand how you feel because I don't. But I can offer you comfort."

Heizou said and then hughed Kuni tightly. Kuni only put a hand on his back, not having the energy to fully hug back.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? What do you want?" Heizou asked in a caring tone.

Kuni thought for a moment. Ehat does he want, really? "I want Childe."

Heizou stared at him blankly." Boy, can you pick something that's actually possible for me to do? Where even is he, anyway?"

(He's drowning in the primordial sea but they don't need to know)

"I was kidding. Just.... Don't leave me, alright?" Heizou tilted his head. "So, stay with you 24/7?"

Kuni shook his head. "No, just, don't betray me like they did." Heizou smiled. "alright, brother."

So ummm..... Hi how y'all doing? Im not dead! (Surprisingly)

So how's life been for y'all? It's been ok for me ig. Not much happened. Just exams and bla bla bla.

How did your pulls went? I went for clorinde but she was busy so she sent me jean. Hahahaha I'm so tired.

But hey, good thing is Furina is next. Bad thing is i have no primos.

Sucks to sucks but hey, I'll never spend money on something like genshin just to have a character.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed and won your 5050!

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