Chapter 11: The Sad News

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Kuni was swishing his feet in the pond while eating some fruits, meanwhile Kazuha was just swimming. No, he's not naked, Kuni made sure of that. Now that he think of it, when did Kazuha get here in the first place? Somehow the man successfully get in without making any noise. Heh, now that's something Barbatos taught him that is actually getting better. "Kuni, I'm hungry. Gimme one of your fruits." He heard Kazuha said. "No way! Childe dropped this off for me, not for you!" He said, taking the basket full of apples and sunsetias and hugging it protectively.

"Come one, missing one won't be that bad." He said reaching to grab one apple. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to take it due to the slap that was given to him by Kuni. "Get change, let's get some real food. I'm not sharing my food with you." He said before putting the basket aside while Kazuha quickly swam down to put on clothes. Kuni stood up and walked down the invisible path. 'this guy always come to bother me daily, he's lucky I haven't electrocuted him.' he thought. Then, just after he reached the the wand of the path, he heard Kazuha running down the path "Food! Food! Food!" He cheered. Kuni rolled his eyes, smiling.

They exited the domain but before they started walking, Kuni put an electro seal on the domain door. "Is the seal necessary? I mean, if you put an Anemo seal, only you and Master Barbatos can break it, and I highly doubt Master would break it with how much he has to do." He tried to reason. Kuni just shook his head. "I learned from my mistakes, last time I put an Anemo seal, that bird broke in!" He said. Kazuha opened his eyes wide. "SHHHH, Kuni, she's one of the Four Winds! She can hear us! Last time you called her a bird, she went eyes balling to Master." He said, whispering.

"I highly doubt that she would, anyways we better start walking, your legs would probably fall off by the time we reach the city." He said and started walking. Kazuha just pouted and trailing behind him. The walk was nothing to Kuni, Kazuha on the other hand was wheezing as if he just finished a whole marathon. "Serve your right! Who told you to run off following the wind?! Now your panting here, looking like a maniac! Even pigeons are concerned!" He yelled, pointing at the pigeons that was looking towards the sound. "Can I get at least some mental support! I'm trying to catch my breath here!" He said.

"Kuni!" They heard someone yell in the distance. Kuni turned his head around and smiled. "Childe!" He yelled. He ran towards Childe, leaving poor Kazuha still trying to catch his breath. "Hey baby. Did you like the fruits I sent you?" Childe asked, hugging him. Kuni nuzzles into Childe's neck "mmhm! They are so delicious! That was so thoughtful of you!" He replied. "Heh, you know he likes it a lot when doesn't even want to give one to someone" Kazuha said, joining the couple in their conversation.

Kuni rolled his eyes "Shut up, Kazuha! You know I don't like sharing what's mine" he said, glaring at Kazuha. Kazuha shrugged "True" was the only thing he said. "Oh, Nice to meet you. I'm Kazuha, the third wheel for the next Celestia knows how long." He said offering his hand for a handshake. Childe chuckled a little, accepting the hand "Nice to meet you too, comrade. Call me Childe." He looked back to Kuni who still happily nuzzling into him. "I was just on my way to see you, but it looks I don't have to since now you're here." He stated.

"Is that so? Very well then," he summoned a bag of mora, "Kazuha, go ahead without me, go order some food. Don't eat first though! I'll snap your neck if you do!" He threatened the samurai. The said samurai just rolled his eyes before taking the pouch and started walking to the gates. Once Kazuha was out of sight, Childe guided him to the edge of the bridge to sit down. "I'm leaving for Snezhnaya tomorrow morning at 8." He broke the news. Kuni blinked. Before realizing what he was saying. "Tomorrow? That's so early! You only got here 6 days ago!" He whined.

"I know baby, I don't want to leave this soon either, but the Tsaritsa ordered for me to come back immediately after Mondstadt has agreed to be acquaintances with Snezhnaya." He explained, hugging the puppet. Kuni buried his face in the Harbinger's chest. He didn't want him to leave. It was way too early. But if it was what the Tsaritsa wants, then he won't say anything about it. "Ok.... But come visit me first before you depart! I wanna say goodbye!" Childe chuckled " I promise, baby." Then kissing him on the lips.

Kuni felt himself smiling into the kiss. Childe broke the kiss and stared into his eyes. "Your eyes are beautiful." He said while tracing the red eyeliner. "Not the first time I heard it." He whispered. "Wait what?" Childe asked. Kuni stood up "let's go see what Kazuha did to my mora, hopefully it was a good choice to hand over my pouch to him." He said "who said it first?" Childe asked. Kuni started walking "Childe are you coming? " Kuni asked "yea but who was first?"

Kuni started walking with Childe following behind him. When they arrived at good hunter their jaw dropped. The table Kazuha was sitting was filles with Mondstadt delicacies. "What the heck Kazuha?! Who is going to finish all of this food?!" He said. "Us of course!" Kazuha grinned at him. Kuni felt like slapping him straight to Celestia. But he was able to calm down, thank Barbatos, who know what would have happened if he didn't.

"Well he already ordered it. It's best we just deal with it." He heard Childe said. Kuni sighed and took a seat. He started eating the sweet madame infront of him. Soon Childe and Kazuha joined in. Luckily Kazuha ordered the perfect amount of food enough just for the three of them. If he ordered more then Kuni likely would have flip Mondstadt upside down in rage. After the finished eating, Kuni said goodnight to Childe before heading back to his domain with Kazuha.

"So what did he wanted to tell you?" Kazuha asked. Kuni just looked down "he is leaving for Snezhnaya tomorrow." Kuni said. Kazuha turned to him "this early?" He asked. Kuni nodded. "That sucks" he said. After they arrived at the domain, Kuni broke the seal before forcing Kazuha to sleep in his own domain. It took a while but finally Kazuha left. It was getting tiring to share his domain. Kuni entered the domain and headed up the invisible path. He took off his geta sandals and dipped his feet into the pond.

Kuni stared into the water in silence. 'maybe I could ask master to allow me to have a stay in Snezhnaya...' he thought. Suddenly he felt tired. He sighed before swimming down into the pond. After he reached the hallways he went into the chambers and change his clothing before finally doing something that a human does all the time. Sleep.

Heard scara was getting a rerun. I'm having a mental breakdown about not having enough primos while writing this hehe

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