Chapter 20: Liyue

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Kuni and Heizou were walking, heading for Liyue. Although it was pretty boring to walk that long, it would be worth it. Heizou was not exactly quiet and it kinda annoyed Kuni.

"Kuni what does it feels like to be immortal?" Heizou asked.

"You're immortal, how does it feel?" Kuni answered with a question, obviously tired and annoyed.

"I don't know, feels normal I guess" Heizou answered.

"Then there's your answer"

"But what does it feel like to be immortal for your whole life?" Heizou asked again.

"It feels like nothing alright? Now stop asking stupid questions" Kuni frowned at Heizou.

Heizou pouted. "It was just a question..."

"A stupid one" Kuni said.

The walk is once again silent. Did Kuni hurt Heizou's feelings? He hopes not.

"Hey Kuni, your hair is long." Heizou once again spoke.

"Did you just notice?" Kuni rolled his eyes. "No but I just notice how similar you look to her" Heizou answered.

"Her?" Kuni looked at him l, expecting an answer.

"Oh you know, the Raiden Shogun!" Heizou answered. Kuni's body stiffened. Her, of course it was her! Why would he think of somebody elses?

"Let's not talk about her. Right now, we're in Liyue. We live in Mondstadt. We're no longer live in Inazuma." Kuni said, not wanting to talk about her.

"Uhh okay?" Heizou said confused.

They reached Wangshuu inn. Kuni wanted to visit Xiao first and maybe eat an almond tofu in front of him.

"Xiao! Come down here you short bird!" Heizou called out. Heh! For once, Heizou was not annoying him.

Xiao appeared beside them. "I am not short!" He crossed his arms and glared at Heizou.

Heizou smirked "believe whatever as long as you're happy"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Xiao raised his eyebrow.

"Anyway, Xiao we wanted to know something." Kuni interrupted them before it became something bigger.

"Go on" Xiao said signing that he is listening.

"We-" Kuni was cut off.

"Well, Kazuha has been gone for almost 2 months so we were wondering if you know where he is?" Heizou asked, not letting Kuni say anything.

Kuni glared at him. But he lets him as he was worried for Kazuha the most out of them both.

"Why are you asking me?" Xiao asked, genuinely confused.

"Well, you can sense immortal energy right? We were hoping that maybe you've sensed Kazuha's energy" Kuni asked this time. He may love Heizou, but he hates being cut off when he's talking.

"I'm afraid I can't sense good energy. I only sense evil energy" Xiao shook his head to tell them.

"Ah, I see..." Heizou looked down in disappointment. Kuni felt bad for him.

"I suggest you go to Lord Rex Lapis. He can sense both mortal and immortal energy. Only those who comes and leave his nation of course." Xiao said. Kuni nodded.

"That's actually the reason we came here. Well, I came here. I wanted to tell him something" Kuni said.

Xiao tilted his head. "What about?"

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