Chapter 9: The Wandering Samurai

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Kuni didn't know what to do in this scenario. One moment he was walking alone at the beach,enjoying the sea breeze and the next moment there was a person following him around like a baby chic. Anywhere he goes, the person will still be following him. At first he thought it was just a coincidence but after walking in circles he is now 101% sure this person is following him.

He turned around "Why are you following me?" He asked the person. The unknown person blinked and just stared at him. He then looked at the Anemo vision he is wearing, looked back up and pointed to his own Anemo vision. 'we have the same element, so what? Should I just strike him down?' Kuni thought to himself. "I want to know if you can train me with my new Anemo vision" said the person. Kunis scoffed "well I can't, I myself am still training so run along now" he said, shoo-ing the person.

The person looked disappointed and turned around to walk away. Seeing the person walking in disappointment suddenly made him feel guilty. He then called the person "HEY!" The person looked back in confusion. Kuni started walking towards him. "If you want, I can introduce you to my Master. He is training me and someone not important but I'm sure he won't mind another person." He offered. The person invisibly lit up at the offer. He immediately accepted it.

"We have to get going now though, I don't think we could make it back in time if we don't start walking now" the person nodded and started following Kuni again. "I'm Kazuha, what about you?" Kazuha asked "Kunikuzushi, Kuni for short" he said. "You look like you're from Inazuma, how was it?" Kuni asked. "Inazuma is very pretty. The-" Kazuha was cut off "I don't mean how was Inazuma, I mean how was the journey to escape is" Kuni said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "Oh, it was tough but I'm still alive so everything's fine." Kazuha said calmly.

Kuni just looked at him for some time but then started looking back at the road. They arrived at Wangshu inn after some time. "Do you want to rest here?" Kazuha asked. Kuni thought for a moment, it was gonna take hours to get back to Mondstadt and he didn't need food, but Kazuha does. "Are you hungry?" He asked. Kazuha nodded "I am getting quite hungry after walking for so long." Kuni nodded and told him to get a table while he go talk to someone.

He went up the elevator and started walking up the stairs. He was met with Xiao looking over the balcony. "Hey Xiao" he greeted him. Xiao turned around and nodded. "Master is going to have another student soon...." He said waiting for a response. Xiao looked at him. "Who" he asked. "A mortal." Kuni answered. "Humans, always so stupid." Xiao said. Kuni looked at him with a confused look. "Surely you don't think that a mortal could take Lord Barbatos's training, I could barely stand up when I finished my training with him"  Kuni chuckled a little "He went rough on you huh, my training with Master was pretty easy. Dang, I hope I didn't just jinxed it." He said.

Xiao looked at him "Lord Barbatos was easy on you? This is favoritism. I have a complain to make." Xiao jokingly said. Kuni just giggled. "Anyway, I'm eating with him downstairs, if you wanna join just join, don't hesitate." Kuni said, starting to walk towards the stairs "I refuse, I need to watch ove-" "I also ordered Almond tofu." "Ok, I accept" Kuni smirked 'always works' he started walking down. When he arrived he saw that Kazuha was staring at the food intensely. "Woah there, are you trying to scare away the food?" He said. Kazuha looked up and smiled. "I was waiting for you." He said.

"You shouldn't have" he said. Suddenly a wild Xiao teleported beside Kazuha. "So this is the mortal that you were talking about? He looks weak." Kuni rolled his eyes. "Yes, Xiao I get it, you don't like humans. Just sit down before I eat the almond tofu in front of you." Xiao quickly obeyed. They started eating. After eating the almond tofu Xiao excused himself from the group to continue his duties. After eating and paying they continued they're journey to get to Mondstadt. After some time, They  finally arrived at stone gate. They stopped for a second because Kazuha was wheezing after running and walking.

"We're almost there, my Master's domain isn't far." Kuni said. After catching his breath, Kazuha asked "How come you're not dying like I am?" Kuni turned to look at him "simply because I am not a mortal." He then started walking again. "Huh? What does that mean- HEY Kuni wait for me!!" He ran to catch with Kuni.

Finally they arrived at a domain. Kazuha just stand there while Kuni approached the domain. He knocked three times and waited. Kazuha just stared at the door waiting. Suddenly the door opened itself. Kazuha looked surprised while Kuni just walked in, Kazuha following soon after. They were met with a big waterfall. Kuni grabbed Kazuha's hand and walked through the waterfall. There was an angel looking person sitting on a rock in a river. He was humming while playing a lyre.

The unknown person looked behind and then smiled. "Kuni, you're back. How was the trip to Liyue? Oh, and I see you made a friend." He spoke cheerfully. "It was great until he suddenly started following me everywhere I go." Kuni said while smiling. "Heheh, sounds like you quite enjoy it. What's your name, dear?" Kazuha flinched. "I- I am Kazuha. I can here for the purpose of searching someone that could train me to be better with my Anemo vision." He said.

The person smiled "Nice to meet you, I am Barbatos. Kuni brought you to the right person. I can train you." Barbatos said. "I'm sure the both of you are exhausted, so why don't you go and rest for a bit. I have some matters to attend to." "Master, surely you won't make me share my domain with him" Kuni said pointing at Kazuha while Kazuha looked a little offended. "Well, why not? Sharing is caring." Kuni gasped as if he just witnessed a crime scene. Barbatos laughed "I'm just teasing, of course I won't make you share after all I know how much you love your space. Though I do hope you won't mind him staying in your domain for 1 night. I have to ask Morax to make another one for Kazuha." Kuni shrugged "eh, it's just one night. I can handle that. Let's go Kazuha" he said, starting to walk.

Kazuha bowed down to Barbatos and started to run hearing a 'good night' from Barbatos. After they exited the domain, kazuha suddenly speak "you didn't say anything about training under Lord Barbatos!!!! AHHHHHHHH-" Kuni put a hand on his mouth "SHHH it's the middle of the night! Some people need sleep!!" He heard a muffled 'sorry'. 

They started walking until they reached Kuni's domain. "I don't sleep so usually I dip my feet in a pond. It usually fills up my energy. Maybe you should try it." He said entering his domain. Kazuha followed. "A floating island? Wow." He started to wander around. "Watch you steps. The path up is invisible so if you fall don't blame me." Kuni said while walking up. Kazuha soon followed. At the top there was a pond with lotus flowers and a big three at the middle. Somehow, Kuni was able to walk on the water and reach the gigantic tree at the middle meanwhile Kazuha was trying to get across but everytime he tries to he failed.

Kuni looked amused "you'll be able to do it after some time, trust me it was hard for me too." He say while moving his feet back and forth in the water. "How about you try it now? Maybe you will also feel energized after dipping your feet in the water." Kazuha nodded and removes the clothing on his feet dipped his feet in the pond. Unfortunately, he didn't feel his energy going back up. He shook his head in disappointment. "It's fine, if you need sleep just swim down the pond. There will be wide hallways. Go through the one with the sign 'chambers'. Pick any room, I will wake you up in the morning." Kuni said.

After hearing that Kazuha jumped into the pond and started swimming down untill he feels he is being sucked down. He arrived in the hallway. He then looked at every hallway sign, 'training', 'weapons' and much more. Finally he spots 'chambers' and went down the hallway. He picked the third room. Luckily, Kuni seemed to have left some clothing's in there for guests, Kazuha couldn't believe how prepared he was. He changed into some comfortable clothing and walked to the bed. The bed was a king size bed. When he got under the blankets, he could feel himself drifting to sleep.


Yayyyy Kazuha's here!!! I hope everyone is having a good day and won their 50/50

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