Chapter 13: Immortality

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Kuni has always knew that those who was trained by Barbatos are meant to be immortal. And here they are, Kazuha, Kuni and Heizou standing infront of Barbatos's domain. Kazuha met Heizou a few months back and brought him to Barbatos. Of course he wouldn't mind yet another one under his wings.

All three of them entered the domain. Xiao was inside already. He was requested to be here. They saw Barbatos infront of the waterfall with two small bowls that is a size of a palm.

Barbatos smiled to them in which all of them except Xiao returned. "I hope you two are aware that immortality means that you will not age, therefore meaning you will outlive your family." Barbatos said. Both Heizou and Kazuha nodded.

"Very well then, let the ceremony begin" both Kuni and Xiao moved to the sides of Barbatos. Heizou and Kazuha sat down next to each other. Barbatos handed a needle to Kuni and Xiao. They both poke their finger using the needle making a little blood come out.

Barbatos walked to the waterfall and filled both the bowl with water, then handed them to Kuni and Xiao before poking his own finger. Kuni and Xiao put their fingers above the water. Once a drop of blood fell on the bowls, they swap them letting another drop of blood  fall into them.

Then they both slide it to Barbatos for his blood. Barbatos held out his finger and moved to the other bowl once the blood was in it. Then all that was left to do was for Kazuha and Heizou to drink them. Heizou took it first, inspecting it. "You might feel a slight headache when you drink it" Barbatos warned.

Kazuha took the bowl and look to Heizou. Then he drank the whole thing. After a few seconds his head started throbbing and he was holding his head to ease the pain. Heizou looked concerned but drank it and surely enough the headache started to kick in.

After a moment the headache stopped and they both were back to normal except they weren't. Their vision was glowing the Anemo symbol. Barbatos stood up "Congratulations to the both of you, the ritual has been completed and was successful" he said.

They were now immortal. They both didn't regret it. They both had nothing to lose now. "All of you have finally accomplished all the steps to become one of the Wind Guardians" he announced.

Xiao looked shock, looking at his fellow Anemo members, they too were not expecting it.

"Wind.... Guardians?" Heizou asked.

Barbatos nodded smiling. "It is something I have established. In order to become one of them, one must need to reach my expectations" he said. "Of course, Xiao is not one due to him being from Liyue but he is still expected to be treated with utmost respect in Mondstadt. And so will the three of you" he said.

Kuni nodded, understanding the explanation. He is a Wind Guardian now. "Everyone in Mondstadt are to call you Guardians. For example 'Guardian Kunikuzushi'" he said pointing to Kuni.
"Guardian Heizou and Guardian Kazuha" he said again.

Kuni would feel weird if he was called 'Guardian' but he knew it was something he will get used to. "Everyone is dismissed" Barbatos said. He look at Xiao "say hello to Morax for me" he said. Xiao nodded before heading out and teleporting.

All three of them went out of the domain. The door closes and Heizou just can't contain his excitement. "AHHHHH can you believe we're immortal now Zuha? We can be together forever!!" He yelled excitedly. Kazuha chuckled "I see you haven't changed at all when you are excited" he said.

"Kuni, we're going to sleep at your domain!" Heizou said. "You might as well be living there by now, EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE YOUR OWN DOMAIN!" he yelled. "Oh hush you! You like us staying there!" He accused.

"It's nice to have some company but not ALL the time" Kuni rolled his eyes. "It just feel cozier at your domain Kuniku" one thing that Kuni learned about Heizou is that he absolutely loves to shorten everyone's name. To those he loves at least.

"Hmph, whatever. Do whatever you like" Kuni said before starting to walk. Heizou ran to catch up to him. "So how are you and your boyfriend doing lately?" He asked. Kuni looked at Heizou with wide eyes.

"I never told you about Childe! Who told you?!" Kuni whispered yelled at him. "Zuha did" he said pointing to Kazuha. Kuni slowly turned his head to Kazuha with a deadly glare. "Kazuha....." Kazuha started running. "NO YOU DON'T!! GET BACK HERE!!" He activated his elemental skill making him fly and started to to fly after Kazuha.

Heizou laugh and ran after his friends. "Kuni wait! It slipped out of my mouth! I swear I didn't mean to tell him!" Kazuha begged but still running. It seems that Kuni has descent to the ground and is now chasing Kazuha with his weapon floating beside him.

Heizou is still running to stop Kuni from killing Kazuha. Kuni finally tackled Kazuha to the ground. "How dare you tell him about my partner! I'm going to sew your mouth shut you leaf addict!" He threatened. Heizou finally reached them and and grabbed Kuni's arm and dragged him off of Kazuha.

"That's enough, let's go back. I wanna try to refill my energy by swimming in that pond of yours!" Heizou said. Kuni dusted his shoulder. And started walking with Heizou. By that point Kazuha was already up and running up to catch to them.

"Consider yourself lucky if I don't choose to electrocute both of you" he said. Heizou laughed "you won't do it and you know it cause you love us Kuniku" he said. "Hmph, this one I might" Kuni said pointing to Kazuha.

"It was an accident!!" Kazuha whined. "I don't care you still told someone. I feel more betrayed then I was back then!" Kuni said. All three of them walked back to Kuni's domain in laughter and joy.

GAHHHH SCHOOL IS STARTING TOMORROW NOOOOOO oh and gl to everyone on second phase. May you all win you 50/50

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