3. Learning

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Y/n's POV

After dinner, we had our free time for the evening, unless we had duties to attend to. Luckily I had none, so I went to the bay of rocks, wanting to watch the stars. It was rare to have so many out at this time of year, so I wanted to take full advantage of it.
Reflecting on the day, I thought about Neteyam and how happy he was to achieve his goal, and thinking of how Aonung stared at us walking together making me laugh at his protectiveness. I just hoped that protectiveness wouldn't get him carried away.

I felt a presence behind me, a familiar presence. Turning around I was greeted by a softly smiling face.
"Hey Neteyam," I patted a spot next to me, gesturing for him to sit, "What brings you here?"
"The stars, I have been admiring them as much as I can, they mesmerise me." Back at home you wouldn't be able to see them from the forest floor." He said longingly, looking at them in awe.
I didn't reply, allowing myself to take in his features, so refined, yet gentle features.
He retracted his gaze from the sky to me, his eyes a piercing yellow that reminded me of bright coral. I shyly looked away, making him let out a breathy laugh.
"You know, when I first saw you, you beamed with positivity. As though anything that got in your way wouldn't stop you from being happy."
The statement took me by surprise. His sincerity in his words made my heart warm.
"I try to be. I mean why focus on the negatives when the positives make you happier. I mean there are always times to feel sad, but we can always move from them in some way in life. I trust the great Eywa to guide us." I answered, looking up at the stars once again.
"Well, in my opinion, I am glad to have you as someone who respects me, your positivity has been a great influence, not just with me but my whole family."
"Of course, I wouldn't want to be any other way,"

And from there we talked the night away.

The next morning we decided to practice, as Neteyam called it "finger talk."
It wasn't going as well as I had hoped, I was starting to doubt myself as a teacher.
"Remember to straighten your fingers when signing certain words, a curved finger can mean something very different."  I chuckled watching Tuk sign a gruesome word that I would rather not repeat. Aonung seemed to notice too, giving me a look whilst trying to suppress a laugh.
"It is simple once you get the hang of it, I promise. And in addition it is incredibly useful, especially in dangerous situations."

Staring at the group, I knew they were all trying their hardest. In a way it brought some sort of spirit to the group. But I could could they still had their doubts. Lo'ak listened as intently as he could, struggling with certain formations. Tuk's attention span wasn't very high unfortunately, but I could tell Rotxo was doing his best. Neteyam bless him was getting there, but slipped up on small things.

Whilst trying to demonstrate once again, I noticed Kiri looking up at the clouds a lot, not really focusing much. I worried something was the matter.
"Kiri." I said trying to get her attention.
"Mm? Oh sorry I zoned out." She said embarrassed.
"No no its okay, is something on your mind?" I asked sincerely. I noticed Rotzo give her a concerned look.
"Well, one thing is." She said quietly.
"Do you mind sharing? If not that's okay." Reya reassured.
"Why are we not allowed beyond the reef?"
It went silent for a moment, "We do not go out there often due to its dangers. Many dangerous creatures stay there and it concerns us how they grow in numbers. So only the eldest are allowed to explore." I explained in detail.
"Whats out there?" Neteyam decided to ask out of curiosity.
"As much as I am in awe of the beauty of the sea, it still holds dangerous enemies. Such as the Akula."
"The what?" Tuk asked in confusion.
"It's a fierce shark-like creature. Out of the many who have encountered it little have survived."
"I see, thank you Reya and Y/n, I guess that does make sense."
Nodding with a smile, I continued my lessons, doing my best to help each person.

The same day, my father approached us.
"My daughters, my son, I think its time for them to learn how to ride Ilu. It is vital to be able to do so to live here.
"Of course, we are happy to." I spoke for all of us, even though Aonung still had his doubts.
Splitting up into our separate pairs we started our new course of teaching.

"When you bond with an Ilu, you must feel them, close to you. The bond lasts until death. Unlike Ikran, they will not try kill you. They are calm species, who will try their best to adapt." I explained, as Neteyam carefully climbed onto the Ilu.

Once Neteyam made the bond, it took a couple of tries until he was able to stay on the creature. In addition he also had to ignore the annoyances of my brother who loved to mock the forest boys. It seemed the mocking was getting to Lo'ak but not Neteyam. Then again the younger had more of a temper. Neteyam was getting there, he even offered to help Lo'ak who refused, which didn't surprise me.

I sat back and watched them practice, very happy with my teaching. Feeling a presence next to me, I noticed it was their mother, Neytiri.
"I see you." I smiled, giving a gesture of greeting.
"I see you." She returned with a small smile, "You have taught my children well."
"It's nothing really, they are fast learners." Complimenting them, "how are you finding your time here?"
"It's different, I long to see the trees again. But the place has a serenity to it that I enjoy."
I nodded in agreement, "In time it becomes like an every day view, but now and again you come to appreciate it."
We sat in comfortable silence, allowing ourself to watch the boys especially trip over now and again making us laugh. Their determination is what struck me.

"Mum, mum!" I heard the voice of Tuk exclaim running over. She had just fed an Ilu herself.
"Can Y/n do my hair like hers? I really like the seashells!" She asked, almost pleading.
Neytiri was silent for a moment before smiling, "Only if she is okay with it."
Grinning I nodded, "of course Tuk!"
"Would you mind doing it in our hut, I would like to see how you do it." Neytiri added.

After telling the others that lessons were done for the day, I gathered some shells from my hut, and a few beads before heading to the Sully's home.
I was slightly nervous to do her hair due to being watched by Neytiri and possibly the others. But I wanted to leave a good impression.

Greeting the Sully's I noticed Jake was there too. Both greeting me with warm smiles. The giddy girl sat in front of me excitedly.
"If you'd like I can Braid parts of your longer hairs." I suggested.
She nodded her hair enthusiastically, "yes yes yes please!"
Tuk continued to speak of what she had been taught and what she thought of everything. Her enthusiasm made me smile.
"And Y/n too! She let me feed her Ilu Pearl, shes really pretty."
I laughed softly, "Pearl is a gorgeous Ilu I must say."
"Just like you Y/n!" She smiled, making me want to hug her so tight.
Neytiri and Jake shared a look, smiling at each other. A content, at ease smile.
"Well thank you Tuk, I know one day you will grow to be a beautiful young woman." I smiled making her giggle excitedly.
"Maybe one day you and I can get an Ikran together!" I could tell she was imagining the scene.
"I'm guessing you are the youngling who has been in the forest?" Jake finally spoke.
"Mhm, I am not nearly as experienced as all of you, but the forest is a mesmerising place to be in."
Jake smiled, "We share the same thoughts, both areas of this land are beautiful beyond compare."
In the corner of my eye, I noticed Reya and Lo'ak walking by together, waving at us before walking off. And shortly after, Neteyam entered their hut.
"I see you." I said quickly, before I lost the braid of Tuk's hair.
"I see you," he smiled, before greeting his parents.
"How was learning today Neteyam?" Neytiri asked.
"Wonderful actually, Y/n is a great teacher." He smiled at me, making me blush slightly
"Also Y/n, after this do you think you would be able to help me with my breathing work again, my heart rate keeps speeding up and I am unsure why." He admitted.
"Of course! I am almost finished."
He nodded in thanks, exiting the hut.

After I was done with braiding, Tuk gave me a hug, making me smile.
"Thank you Y/n!" She smiled.
"No problem, I will see you all at dinner." I smiled, before exiting the hut.

Seeing her happy warmed my heart.
Most likely the last chapter of the evening. Hope you like it!
-Author out!

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