18. Payback

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That night was a memory that I would never forget, imprinted in my brain. A core memory actually. Getting home that night, I felt so at peace, but I didn't want to let him go. Eventually after some back and forth playing around, he walked me to my hut and bid his goodbyes. That was the best sleep of my life that night.

The next morning once I woke up my mum had asked me to do her a favour. The favour entailed going around a few people's huts and dropping off any medical supplies that they may need, basic first aid stuff. It was a simple task that I had no problem with assisting with. It was a slow process at first having to dish out specific items to whatever the person needed but I was patient and had nothing else to do really. The one thing I feared however was having to visit the hut of that boy who picked on Tuk, whatever his name was. If I saw him again I feel like I would hit him all over again.

And unfortunately I had to stop at his house.. what a delight. Just my luck I suppose.

I noticed he was sitting in the back doing something or other but he quickly noticed me. His parents were home, making things much more worse.. and awkward.
"What are you doing here?" He asked blatantly.
"Delivering first aid stuff, do you need anything?" I said simply wanting to get this over and done with.
"Oh, we need some stuff for infections I guess." He mumbled.
Taking some from my basket, I shoved it in his hands and turned around, not bothering saying goodbye.
Even looking at him made my skin crawl and unfortunately put me in a more dampened mood.

As usual in the afternoon I met with the others at the beach, watching as they messed about in the water.
Sitting down, I greeted them but decided not to join them in the water just yet.
"Hey Y/n, what's the matter?" Reya asked me, getting out the water.
"Guess who I saw today." I mumbled.
"Oh, him." Reya mumbled.
"Yeah wasn't pleasant." I rolled my eyes.
"You really don't like this kid do you, was it only cause of Tuk or something else?" Lo'ak asked me.
"Well, just before my grandmother passed, we were having a talk, with my mother, and my mother suggested that he be my mate when I was much older and-"
"WHAT!" Reya, Neteyam and Aonung said in unison.
"Yep, but my grandmother sensed that wasn't the right boy for me, and was later proved by his arrogance. Ever since then he's just always been an asshole." I muttered.
"Why did you never tell me?" Aonung asked tilting his head.
"Cause I didn't want you to hit him." I laughed.
"Fair point."
"Since then, I have had more freedom with that part of my life, thanks to grandmother," I said smiling lightly.

Eclipse soon fell upon us marking dinner time. This evening I was invited to eat dinner with the Sully's which I happily accepted.
"I see you." I gestured to the family before taking my seat between Neteyam and Jake.
"How are you Y/n?" Neytiri asked me.
"Happy I will say, a bit tired but happy." I smiled at her, "How are you?"
"I am well, content for once." She smiled.
"Y/n, would you be able to do my hair again some time, a few of the braids are coming out." Tuk asked me.
"Of course Tuk, I can for you tomorrow?" I suggested making her nod enthusiastically.
"Could you do mine as well Y/n?" Kiri asked shyly.
"I would love to." I smiled at her which she returned.
"You should let Y/n do your hair mum!" Tuk suggested excitedly.
"I wouldn't want to bother her at all with her duties." She said quietly.
"I would be happy to, If I can find time for your daughters I will find time for you too." I said reassuringly.
She pondered the thought for a moment, "That would be lovely Y/n, thank you."
"It's my pleasure."

After dinner, I went for a quick walk on the beach before bed wanting to clear my head a bit. Alone in my thoughts allowed me to reflect on things, which helped my thought processing. I was excited to do everyone's hair tomorrow, hoping I would be able to do something for Neytiri that she would love.
Unfortunately the thing about being alone in your own thoughts was your vulnerability..

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