8. Stars

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Waking up the next morning I knew that today was time for an explanation. How I was going to explain who Payakan was my top worrisome thought of the day. But before that could even fully cross my mind, Aonung came up to me. He hung his head down slightly, as though to say something. Standing up I stared at him in the eyes, waiting for him to talk.

"I'm... I'm sorry Y/n. When you didn't come back, the thought of you never coming home made me feel distraught. I realised my mistake and I hope you can forgive me sister. Please." He said softly, I could tell he had been pondering it for a long time.
A small smile appeared on my face, "Eywa guides us through life, and she allowed me to live another day. And for that new day I wouldn't want to stay mad at you dear brother."
He smiled back, not a cocky smile like usual, but a genuine smile. His shoulders visibly relaxed, so did mine. We both walked out of our hut together, as I prepared myself to tell the story of what happened yesterday.

Sitting in a circle, Tuk, Kiri, Lo'ak, Neteyam, Aonung, Reya, Rotxo and I gathered. Lo'ak and I began to them the tale. Lo'ak started first, mentioning how Payakan saved him from the Akula.

"You met Payakan?" Reya said in awe looking at him, "he's a killer Lo'ak you're lucky to be alive."
"No no he's not a killer! He saved me." He retorted.
"He doesn't have a record of being good, he's a loner, no normal Tulken travels alone." Rotxo mentioned.
"Come on little brother, at least you're safe now." Neteyam teased trying to calm the younger one down.
"You guys aren't listening." He angrily exclaimed, walking off.
"I'm listening Lo'ak!" Tuk tried to help, but to no avail.
"I'll talk to him." Reya said softly, getting up from her seat.
There was a moment of silence, looking at Reya following after Lo'ak.
The others all turned to me shortly after, intrigued by my side of the story.
"So did you meet Payakan?" Aonung asked me.
"I did, briefly. He was tame, not aggressive at all." I admitted.
"How were you able to get the Ikran?" Kiri asked me.
"Well, I distracted the Akula allowing Lo'ak to get to the surface and call for it and then once that happened he grabbed me from the water and we went home." I said simply trying to answer all their questions.
"I think the fact you are alive is a blessing in itself." Kiri said, making me smile.
"It was weird seeing Payakan in person, I didn't feel threatened at all in his presence." I explained.
"Should we tell father?" Aonung asked.
"I think that's up to Lo'ak." I mumbled before getting up from my seat. I hadn't realised how long we were speaking for in the moment. The sky was mixing with colours like purples, pinks and oranges creating a beautiful sky display. Getting up, I bid my goodbyes for a while to allow myself to take a walk and check up on Pearl who I knew was still distressed from the day before.

Visiting the docks I greeted Pearl sweetly, softly stroking her head, thankful she suffered no injuries.
I wouldn't have forgiven myself if something happened to her. She let out more positive clicks and squeaks which put my mind at ease for the time being. Reya had mentioned to her briefly about showing the others the cove of our ancestors which did intrigue me since I wanted to see what the others thought of their cove and how it differed to their place of ancestry. If I could learn more about them I was hoping it would let me grow closer with the family. Maybe It would make them feel more comfortable too.

Brushing the thought aside I turned to go join my family for dinner since Eclipse was fast approaching.
My family had already taken their seat, I took a seat between Reya and my father.
"How is your wound healing Y/n?" My mother asked me.
Taking off the bandage I let her inspect it, and she nodded an approval before I put it back on.
"Father, would it be okay to show the Sully kids our ancestors cove at some point?" Reya asked them. The two looked at each other before nodding, "Of course, it would be good for you to share our history more." My father smiled warmly.
"But not tomorrow, tomorrow is the annual feast remember." Our mother reminded us.
"Yes of course mother, we may need to tell the Sully's too." I suggested.
"Would you like to Y/n?" My father asked.
I nodded, getting up from my seat to go speak to the Sully's who all greeted me warmly.

"May I?" I asked.
"Of course, please sit." Neytiri said welcomingly.
Sitting next to Neteyam, I gave him a smile, "I just wanted to mention that tomorrow we are holding our clans annual feast and we would be honoured if you would join us."
"We will for sure, the pleasure is all ours." Jake smiled at me.
"I am so glad."
"Also, Y/n, are you holding up okay after yesterday?" Neytiri asked me, I could tell she was referring to my injury.
"Oh yes, I am okay, the wound is healing fine. Thank you for asking Neytiri." Answering with a smile.

Bidding my goodbyes after our brief encounter, I headed to the beach again, after some rain earlier the skies had finally cleared up revealing the beauty of the stars once again. Even though you see it constantly in your life time, it was something I could never get over.
I would sit for hours and hours, until ungodly hours looking at each collection of stars and staring at some of the planets too. My mind wondered what it would be like to explore places like Earth, but then again I would not want to walk on the same surface of those who killed many Na'vi.

Deciding to not dwell on that thought any longer, I found myself checking my arm again, seeing if any of it was infected or if the tissue was healing at all. It looked better than yesterday but still looked worse for wear. I knew for tomorrow I would have to wear a band to hide it just in case I was questioned by the elders and such. Getting up, I ventured to the docks, to go for an evening ride. When I arrived, a familiar face was already there.

"Neteyam? Where you off to?" I asked grabbing my saddle.
"An evening ride." He said also grabbing his saddle, our fingertips touching for a moment.
"Ah, meet too." I chuckled, getting on Pearl.
"Would you like to join me?" He asked me.
"I would love to." I answered, coming up next to him.

We swayed in the water, not too far but just enough to get a better view of the stars. Neteyam looked up at them in awe once again. His reaction to them never failed to bring a smile to my face. He looked at me, catching me stare at him. Looking away shyly, I heard him come up closer to me.
"So, what does this feast entail?"
"Dancing, singing, music, and a few traditions." I answered.
"Such as?"
"Aonung, Reya and I get to pick a task for those who volunteer to do. Last year Aonung set challenge to see who could catch the biggest fish."
He let out a small laugh, "Who's turn is it this year?"
"Mine, I have something in mind, just depends if they will allow it." I shrugged.
"I am intrigued, tell me more." He asked, edging his way closer.
"Well, it's a challenge for all 7 people who are allowed in the forest. It's to see who can climb the highest without getting scared, because for some reason we struggle to get to the very top of the trees."
"How will the others watch?" He asked.
"Well they can catch a glimpse as we will be climbing the trees at the very entrance, and I suppose your family could watch from your Ikran."
"Thank you for the idea." He winked making me laugh, "I think you will do well."
"I don't know, I am still young." I said with a hint uncertainty
"Making you nimble and acrobatic, and if you fall I will catch you." He said proudly.
"Uh huh, my hero." I smiled rolling my eyes.
"Of course, thats my duty!" He said dramatically, puffing out his chest.
"Come on 'daring warrior' let's head back." I said trying to contain my laughter, "Unless you want to stay watching the stars." I shrugged.

"Race you there." He said splashing water in my face before dashing away.
"You little-" I tilted my head before telling Pearl to dash forward, beating him by a second.
"Don't try race me Mr, I've been in water before you could walk." I mocked.
He got ever so slightly closer to me, "Then we shall see how you fair in the trees." He whispered.
"Indeed we will." I chuckled, walking by his side now.

"Goodnight Neteyam." I smiled.
"Goodnight Y/n." He returned the smile before we went our separate ways for the evening.
I couldn't help but grin walking to my hut, the picture of him smiling imprinted in my brain. He was certainly charming.

Cuteness overload low-key. We love Neteyam.
-author out.

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