14. nightmare

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Y/n's POV:

Waking up in a cold sweat, I looked around frantically. I was home, safe and with my family.
"Nothing happened." I whispered to myself, "You're okay."
Usually nightmares weren't very common for me, but when I had them, I always woke up with my heart racing. Taking a deep breath I arose from my bed and snuck my way out of my hut, needing some air.

I remembered a lot of shouting, screaming.. and crying. I recalled someone attacking us, and being ripped away from my family. The screams could make your eats bleed they were so loud and frightful. And Neteyam.. he was taken away by someone I couldn't make out. It was horrific.

After I reminded myself over and over again that it was just a nightmare and no where near reality, I went to the beach, seeking its familiar comfort that it brings me each day. Pearl must have sensed my nervousness as she swam over to greet me. I got up from the sand to wade in the water to say hi.

Stroking her head gently, she buried her head on my shoulder, allowing me to lean against it and close my eyes. The bond I had with her was strong and she could always help me feel calm even in my darkest moments. She made sure my heart beat was calm and steady before diving back into the water. Giving her one last smile I made my way back to the beach, sitting back on the sand not wanting to go home. The sun would be rising soon anyways so there would be no point me in trying to gain anymore sleep. Internally I feared another nightmare would creep up on me. In addition I didn't want to risk waking any of my family members. Cranky Aonung wasn't a pretty sight in the morning.

As I zoned out I felt a hand on my shoulder making me yelp in surprise causing me to practically jump out of my own skin. I turned around suddenly, my hand balled into a fist, but my shoulders relaxed at the familiar face before me.
"Oh, Neteyam you scared me." I sighed letting my shoulders relax.
"I am so so sorry, I just noticed you were out here by yourself and I was worried." He said apologetically.
"Sit." I patted a spot next to me.
"May I ask why you are out here before sunrise?"
Pondering the thought for a moment, I decided to be honest, "I had a nightmare. Sounds childish I know, but I don't get them often I suppose." I admitted.
"How are you now?" He asked sincerely.
"Coping, it was scary as you would expect, but I had never woken so shaken up in my life.."

"Would you like to talk about it?" He asked me.
"No, not particularly if thats okay."
"Of course, whatever you feel comfortable with. What would you like to do?"
I wondered if I should ask him what I was thinking. Either he would agree or I would seem like a weirdo.
"Can I.. can I braid that front bit of your hair? I know it sounds weird but I sometimes braid Reya's to help distract me.
He gave me a smile, "Sure you can, go ahead."
Sitting behind him, I lightly grabbed the hair, realising the close proximity.
"You are now the third Sully's hair I have done so far." I laughed.
"I feel so special" He said dramatically looking out at the sea.
"You should be, I am one of the best people who does hair in the tribe." I light heartedly joked.
"I would not be surprised, Tuk and Kiri's hair look lovely." The compliment made my heart feel warm.

Around the point of being halfway done I attached a handmade bead that had a shell engraving in it.
"Now this bead right here is very special you see. There are only two of them on the Island." I explained.
"Really? Where's the other?" He questioned.
Taking a strand of hair from behind my ear I flaunted mine to him with a smile.
A grin appeared on his face, "Wow, I am honoured to be wearing such a thing. Are you sure I should have it?" He asked unsure.
"Of course, it suits you anyways. Unless you don't want it?" I asked now unsure too.
"No no I do, I just want you to be sure. It seems special to you." He commented.
"Well you are special to me too, so it fits." I smiled.
He seemed surprised by my comment but quickly smiled, turning around to allow me to attach the bead. It look perfect on him.

Shortly after that most of the people had started to wake, the others joining us shortly after for a swim. None of them seemed to question why we were up so early but they were all over Neteyam's new hair which made my self esteem go way up, but I chose not to speak.
"Wow Neteyam I love that bead you have in your hair!" Tuk said looking at it closely.
"Yeah I wonder who did that for you." Kiri smirked looking at me. I tried to suppress my laugh but failed entirely.
The others continued to pick fun at the boy but he didn't seem to care. All I noticed was he didn't let anyone touch the bead itself which I found amusing.

"Guys I have an idea." Reya popped out of nowhere as we came back from our swim.
"And that is?" I asked.
"Why don't we unwind a bit after some recent events and have a game night." She suggested.
A collective smile grew on everyone's faces at the thought.
"Yes yes! That would be fun!" Tuk said excitedly.
"Shall we meet near the tree logs after dinner tonight?" Reya asked and we all nodded.

"So game night, sounds like fun." I commented to Neteyam, as we headed to his hut.
"It does, maybe I can beat you in a game or two." He said playfully.
"Oh you're on." I teased.
"Bring it sea woman." He laughed.
"Bite me forest boy." I nudged him playfully.

Let's have some fun
I promise for a slightly longer chapter tomorrow I am quite tired today. Hope you guys are all well though and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3K READS! It means so much.
-author out

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