1. Newcomers

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The day was serene, beautiful even. I had been feeding my Ilu named Pearl whilst staring at the endless blue abyss in awe. The serenity was pure bliss, allowing myself to be in my own thoughts, without the bother of others. As much as I appreciated my loved ones, sometimes the demand of being the chief's daughter was too much. Especially when you are the older daughter. But Aonung was still the oldest. Stubborn, wild and fearless most of the time. But I loved him and Reya all the same.

In a way having those responsibilities gives you a purpose, like each star in the sky serves its own purpose further into space. My purpose wasn't certain yet, but I knew in time Eywa would guide me to it.

At one stage the village was calm, everyone got on with their duties, until I noticed something in the sky. It was a group of Ikran, with riders on their back. My curiosity grew, wondering who they were. All I could make out was a darker shade of blue. I saw my father, mother and Tsireya and Aonung already gathered around with the other village folk as they landed. The family consisted of 6. Two girls, two boys and what I assumed was their mother and father.

Curiosity got the better of me as I approached the strangers, coming up behind Aonung tapping him on the shoulder.
"I see you brother, I see you sister." I said gesturing to them. Before looking towards the two teenage boys in front of us.
Tsireya looked longingly at the younger teen, I rolled my eyes, suppressing a laugh as they exchanged greetings.

The two boys gestured a greeting to us, which I happily returned, unlike my brother, and his friend, Rotxo. I gazed from brother to brother, studying the older brother, who made eye contact with me. Even though all others possessed 5 fingers, he did not. It intrigued me.
It clicked for a moment when I realised that his father was the one and only Jake Sully. The stories I had heard of him were endless. In an attempt to introduce myself, my brother gave me a stare, as though not to approach them. In addition my mother was set on giving her personal opinion, a very honest opinion.
"Their tales are thin, they will not be able to swim well." She announced, grabbing the older daughters tail, she seemed very uncomfortable.
"They even posses demon blood!" She said loudly, a collective gasp echoed across the beach. Reya and I gave each other worried looks. I was scared what our mother would decide.
I noticed the younger son hide his hands behind his back, as though embarrassed.

"Look at their tails, so skinny too." Aonung and his friend mocked the two boys, as though to show dominance. In reality they looked like utter dicks.
Slapping the back of their heads, I gave them a stare to back down.
"My apologies for my brother and his friend, they can be an annoyance at times." I retorted.
"It's okay.. I um, I'm Lo'ak and this is my older brother Neteyam. Over there is Kiri and Tuk."
I gave a small wave to the little one, who looked nervous, clutching onto her mother.
"You can call me Y/n" I smiled, "That is Anoung and Tsireya, my siblings."

"It is decided, they will be staying with us, my daughters Tsireya and Y/n and my son Anoung will teach them our ways. Be gentle with them, do not rush or push and do not judge them. They are still Na'vi and wie will treat them as such."
Aonung tried to argue against such thing but my father made it pertinently clear what our duty was.
Mixed messages and signals spread through the people. I noticed Jake and his wife walk off to speak with my father and my mother, I wondered what they were discussing.

My sister, with her way of words did her best to make the teens feel comfortable. The little girl named Tuk looked very nervous still, she looked at me, gazing at me for a long time as though to say something.
I gave her a warm smile, she smiled at me back a bit nervous at first.
"Are you a princess Y/n?" The question confused me at first.
I looked at the teens for guidance.
"It's like the chiefs daughter terminology." Neteyam spoke for the first time, his voice calming hinting with a strong accent.
"Oh, well, then yes I am, so is my sister." I gestured to her.
"Wow! That's so cool!" There were stars practically in her eyes making me chuckle.
"Would you like me to show you where you will be staying?" Reya asked, they all nodded, leaving me and Aonung on the beach.

The interaction itself plagued my thoughts.
Hi! Welcome to my book. This chapter is only short just as an introduction to the scene and such. But there will be more longer chapters I promise.
-Author out

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