7. Flight

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Without another thought, I turned Pearl around, frantically trying to weave through the coral to get the Akula off our back. Unfortunately it was very persistent, crashing into the coral so effortlessly. My heart was racing, my adrenaline through the roof as Lo'ak held on the best he can whilst I tried to make our escape. However, I was starting to have doubt we would even make it out alive. Pearl was running low on energy but it seemed that her own adrenaline was keeping her going

"Any ideas here!" Lo'ak shouted over the roaring waves.
"Not really no!" I shouted back, trying to do a circle in order to catch the Akula off guard. In addition I was looking at our surroundings so we didn't get lost and we could get back somehow. Slowly, I was starting to lose hope. The Akula was slowly starting to catch up to us, and I feared that I was running out of ideas.

There was a moment of silence where I thought the Akula had dove under and decided not to return, but I was mistaken. Feeling a large impact from the side, I felt myself being flung off Pearl, Lo'ak flying off too. Letting out a cry of pain I crashed into the water, Pearl swimming off in distress. Looking around in a panic I searched for Lo'ak seeing him dive for cover under some coral as the Akula surged forward towards him.

Neteyam's POV:

Pacing back and forth I worried for both my brother and Y/n. I could tell Aonung was more worried since his sister's life was on the line. Tuk had calmed down from crying, but was still worried, as she was being cradled in my mother's arms.
Knowing Y/n was out there risking her life for my brother made me angry. She shouldn't be out there in the first place looking if it posed a dangerous threat to her survival. Looking across the sea, I contemplated if there was anything I could do to help, but at the same time I did not want to intervene. In the distance I noticed the outline of an Ilu coming forward, my heart relaxed for a moment until I realised something. The Ilu did not have a rider. As it wailed in distress it caught the attention of others. Collectively I knew we were all thinking the same thing...
They were out there all alone.

Y/n's POV:

Diving downwards, I made my way to an air bubble granted by one of the rare species of plants. Gasping for air I recollected my thoughts, trying to slow my heart rate. I took another deep breath, determined to find Lo'ak who I knew was in danger.
Frantically I looked around, for any sign of him or the Akula. I wasn't giving up just yet .
Hearing a crash behind me, I noticed Lo'ak swimming towards me, his eyes wide with fear. I gestured for him to follow me quickly, my adrenaline at an all time high.

I swam behind a wall of coral, grabbing Lo'ak's wrist before he got devoured. Praying I tried some sign language hoping he would understand. The Akula crashing into the coral trying to get to us.
"Follow me, quickly!" I signed. He nodded, making me sigh in relief knowing he understood.
I led him to the air bubble, as we both gasped again for air. I saw the Akula swimming below us, looking for us.
"Are you injured? I whispered.
"No, are you?" He whispered back, I could tell he was just as scared as I.
I shook my head, "I don't know how we are getting out of here alive." I admitted.
We remained silent, trying to think of anything that could help us. In the moment I thought of my family, and his family. I thought of how distraught my parents must feel and how Aonung and Reya are probably arguing or Reya is crying. I thought of Tuk crying and Jake looking worried but trying to keep his composure for his family.

Then it clicked, it was risky, but It was our only escape route.
"Lo'ak." I said softly not looking at him.
"Do you know how to summon your Ikran?" I asked him.
His eyes widened for a moment, he knew what I was thinking.
"I do." He muttered.

My shoulders relaxed ever so slightly, "If i can distract the Akula do you think you can get to the surface and get your Ikran?"
"I will try." He said with a determined look.
I nodded, taking a deep breath and diving down, looking around for the creature. Immediately it noticed me, turning its head to me before surging forward. I dove down quickly weaving through the coral rapidly. It crashed into the coral making me fly backwards into some coral, stabbing me in the arm. My arm singed with pain, but my adrenaline rush chose to ignore it as I prayed that Lo'ak would be successful. One after the other I weaved in and out trying to get the Akula off my back, so I could swim to the surface.

As I attempted to swim upwards I caught a glimpse of colour in the sky, a muffled screech could be heard from under the water. For a split second I was distracted by hope, praying that was I saw was the Ikran. That moment of distraction almost cost me my life, as the creature snapped at me, almost grabbing me by the leg.
My eyes widened at the sight before attempting to swim to the surface again and just before the creature could grab me I felt a hand around my wrist and pull me upwards. The loud screech of the Ikran echoed in my ears.
My heart still beating fast was astonished by the view from up above. My shoulders fully relaxed as I stared up at the stars.
"You okay?" He asked me as the wind hit our faces.
"Yeah just about." I said grabbing my arm.

The ride back was silent, allowing myself to relax knowing we would get home safe. I was exhausted, a few more moments and I knew I would have run out of energy. I wanted to appreciate the fact I was actually flying in the sky, but my body was too tired to process it.
Our home came into view, I immediately saw everyone look up at us in awe, a commotion echoed from below.
As we landed, Lo'ak sent his Ikran back to the skies, thanking the creature.
"I pray to Eywa that I don't pluck the eyeballs out of my own son!" The voice of Neytiri echoed from behind us. Neteyam and his family all came to Lo'ak, asking question after question.

I let the family reunite, feeling a pair of arms hug me tight.
"I'm so glad you're safe." Reya said with teary eyes.
Using my thumb I wiped them away, giving her another hug. We turned to our father and Aonung.
"My son will be taking the blame for this, this is his fault." He said loudly, bringing Aonung to kneel.
"No, it was my fault, it was my idea." Lo'ak interjected. His parents gave him a stare.
My eyes widened, what the hell was he doing?
"Is this true?" My father asked Aonung who just slowly nodded.
They let the teens go, Aonung running after Lo'ak I assumed to ask why he covered for him in the first place.
I could feel my tiredness catch up to me as I sat down, leaning my head between my knees, taking slow deep breaths. At some point I would catch up to the deranged teens, but for now I rested. As the adrenaline rush died down, the pain of the arm wound became more prominent, the stinging amplifying as it was mixed with sea water.
"Y/n you're hurt!" Reya gasped looking at the wound on my arm.
"It's fine, I'm fine." I said softly. I could see Neteyam standing next to her.
"Neteyam, use this rag to apply pressure to the wound, I am going to get some stuff." Reya practically ordered before leaving.

Sitting next to me, he used the rag to apply some pressure causing me to hiss at the contact.
"The medic becomes the patient." He lightly joked making me chuckle, "Thank you Y/n, you don't understand what that meant for my family."
"I am just glad we came back alive, it was terrifying." I admitted.
"Well when you have the energy, would you like to share the story?" He asked intrigued.
Nodding, I finally lifted my head to look at him, "I am so tired." I yawned.
Without another thought slipping my mind, I laid my head on his shoulder, "I need to rest my eyes."
He let out a breathy laugh, "You do that, you need it."

The feeling of safety encased me, for once I felt at fully ease.

Absolutely adored writing this. It's a bit off script from the movie, but it adds flare. Hope you all are well
-Author out

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